Dog whistling? Making **** up to insist that a person said something that they did not, that is a new low for just making **** up.
I hate that term. Basically a way that they can take any statement, regardless of how innocuous, and claim that it’s part of a secret code among racists, sexists, supremacist, or whatever form of perceived victimhood that fits the narrative. As far as make believe terms and concepts that I hate go, dog whistle ranks up top right next to microagression.
People in Wisconsin getting ill from vaping. Let's see cigarettes contain chemicals that are bad for your body, and what is vape oil, and where do the flavors come from? Chemicals. It is like you swore off the fentanyl because it is bad for you and only use crack.
Toxic masculinity is also in the top 3 - really who the **** came up with the idea that a man should aspire to be a pansy ass b*tch
I am no FBI profiler but if you look at the typical mass shooter, it is a maladjusted dork that can not get laid.
there's actually a term for that and it is a common thread amongst serial killers and spree shooters - it's called "involuntary celibacy" or "incel" for short. The FBI profiler on the Unibomber case (one of the foremost experts on psychological profiling- watch the docu-drama "MindHunter") was on Fox the other night talking about it. New info is coming out on the Dayton shooter; it appears he was in a hardcore metal band which is a subset genre of "grind core" called "porn core" or "rape core" where the lyrics glorify the brutalization of women. I can't write many of the band names mentioned in the story; but one of the tamer ones was "Groin Mallet". Given that this maniac allegedly was suspended 2x from high school for compiling a "rape list"...seems to be another one of those "should have seen this coming" instances a la Parkland.
CNN actually has a lengthy article on him, surprises me as I figured they would focus moee on El Paso
Think the Dems do not control the MSM? 1st print Then Democrats, both in congress and voters, started threatening boycotts and canceling subscriptions because the hesdline was too favirable for Trump. So they changed it for the 2nd printing.
So last night my lovely bride got home at 6:00 from her weekly massage and told me oh yeah we have a load of hay coming. Just what I wanted to do unload 6,000 pounds of hay and stack in in the barn.Luckily the bugs were as bad as the heat and humidity.
The jeep is going to cost $300 to replace the power steering pump and hoses. Not bad as far as car repairs go. Could be worse. I wish I had time to do it myself but the kids go back to school next week. With three boys, one being a toddler, my wife is not in the mood for me to be spending a lot time doing car repairs.
Dang thats cheap! Our Gator just had power steering replaced 1500.00 that JD hsd to eat the cost.. Thank God! I don't blame
Yeah, I found a great little father-son shop that does great work at a reasonable price as long as it is standard mechanical work and not diagnosing all the new computer crap going on in cars. There is another rant too much computer stuff in cars now. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That's what made me change jobs for the most part. It's all diagnostic anymore and too many electrical components. When you do have to get your hands dirty you have to be a contortionist. Changing spark plugs used to be a 30-45 minute procedure dependent on if you were doing just plugs or plugs, wires and new cap and rotor. Now quite a few vehicles have labor call outs of 4-6 hours for just plugs.
Went fishing this morning at a small isolated lake. While launching my boat I backed the trailer wheels off the end of the ramp. The axle spring brackets were locked onto the edge of the concrete and I was stuck with no one around. It took me almost an hour to figure out how to get out of that pickle. After getting the boat beached I took my shoes off, took everything out of my pockets and waded into water up to my butt to assess the situation. The trailer tires provided just enough buoyancy that I could deadlift the trailer with both hands but there was no one to pull it forward. Finally I pushed the boat out, tied a rope around the rails (I got real wet here), hooked the rope on my outboard and trimmed the motor all the way up. It lifted the trailer and held it so I waded out, pulled the truck up, waded back out, untied the rope and re-beached the boat. It wasn't all bad though. I did leave the lake at 10:00 with a limit of bass.