Here's the form in question thumbnailed. Pretty cut and dry to me, they have my dates missed and work release date.
Aldis does that around here, if I was a young kid hustling and lived near one, I'd hang out all day long meeting customers at their cars offering to return their cart for the quarter to save them the trip. Bet you could make close to $10-15 a day.
Wouldn't want to live that close to an airport bad enough being about 8 milee from one now, but luckily it is a small one. Still get some fighter jets that make a ruckus once a year or so.
Kind of a good rant. Taking the Dr. Mower into a patch of virginia creeper. Wet green splattered all over me to discover it wasn't just virginia creeper but poison ivy as well. Thank GOD I'm not allergic. Because I also breathed in quite a bit of mist.
Hopefully you are indeed immune, have heard of some people being highly tolerant but still able to get it with high exposure. I used to get so much poison ivy as a kid I learned my lesson. Think I've had a few quarter sized patches the past 20 years but nothing like what I got as a preteen and teen. Could have also built up an immune defense as well I guess, but not going to test that theory to find out.
I know if I took Dr. Mower into a patch of virginia creeper and got green all over me.....oh, wait. Never mind.
Seen when she posted virginia creeper was the first thing I thought. Then the green being plastered or whatever made me chuckle even more. Almost commented, but didn't. Had me chuckling then thought your post was inference on it and went with it. Anyhow, I haven't smoked for 20+ years and don't frown upon it. At the same time do not want to be insinuating either, and apologize.
Returned my damaged rental car in this afternoon, the guy with National told me that 40% of drivers in florida either do not have valid insurance or drivers license. How is this even possible?
I will say this I do not give a **** every single rental is going to have the highest level of coverage possible in the future I have been told to use the company coverage. Screw that.
Watching Jimmy Falon, not sure why I am still up but he has a guest ***** eye fab 5 group on, and a guy with a beard is wearing a dress. I am not homophobic, could not care less who a person loves, but if you have a beard and are wearing a full length dress you look like an idiot.
Is the DR equipment (mowers, splitters, etc.) actually decent? I've never owned one, used one, or even known anybody with one. I know when I've seen their ads I've always thought their stuff looked well thought out and like it might actually be decent, but then after some more thought I always settle on them being a too good to be true/as seen on tv type gimmick. I'm interested to hear what somebody who actually has used their stuff thinks (other then the testimonial/reviews you can find on their website).
What am I doing? Screw this, I'm dropping my insurance, moving to Florida and identifying as a guest.
In all honesty I can not say whether they are today or not. The reason is because our Dr. Mower is 25 yrs old and still starts with just 2 pulls cold. All we have needed are a couple of cable changes and one new mower head. It also has a tree cutting blade. I have kicked this things butt and... No I will not jinx my self! I did just cut down a winter rye field with it 5 ft and mature then cut a couple of paths through a 4 ft high thick hay field.
I actually pulsed before typing that then thought nah , seriously a common plant, they won't go there. Aaahhh age, your naive when your young then when your old...LOL