first part; I am sorry that Glock is treating you this way. They've been King Poop in the polymer/striker fired handgun for nearly 30 years, and now that they are starting to have serious competition they ought to be kissing current customer's rear ends. Nothing ruins gun sales quicker than lousy quality and crappy customer service. And Glock started going down that road with the Gen 4s and based on your experience seems to not have course corrected. I have been a Glockophile for nearly 15 years. But 2 sessions shooting the new Sig P320 had me dropping $1100 on a pair of them. That is one sweet ass handgun. I'm not a gunsmith but I have shot millions of rounds through dozens of make/model polymer striker fired handguns and based on my experience, 1 of 2 things happened - you got a casing that ruptured due to a weak spot in the aluminum; or you have a gun that is out of spec and there is a slight gap between the chamber wall and the case. Refresh my memory- had you shot the gun much previously? Approximately how many rounds? Whta type of ammo? If you had shot several rounds and not had any other failures; I am going with bad ammo casing. I have only had one KABOOM in all the rounds I have shot- and it was (I think) a reload in a .40SW Springfield XDM (I posted about it here on the forum.) When it happened, it blew the extractor off. We called Springfield and told them what happened. First question- factory loads or reloads? Honest answer- not sure - we were shooting a box that was mixed factory and reloads. Without hesitation, they said if we pay shipping/handling they would fix it no charge. This was on a gun that while it had not had many rounds through it was at least 4 years old.
Ugh...have to move my parents from northern Indiana to south coastal FL this weekend. Driving a 20' box truck. The only thing worse than driving TO Florida is driving THROUGH Florida.
Character of a man is far more important then his skin color or culture. All cultures and countrys have trash, they all call it different things. We fought a civil war and free all slaves and said they were equal to white man and that all men are equal, so tel me y we are still talking about race, slavery, and slavery repremations in this country, It says more about our politicians character then it says bout our culture or country and it says more about individual character then anything Thanks and have a nice day Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Customers that try to tell you how to do your job. Case in point, tried to tell some dimwit not to install solar vents on his roof, they dont work at night when the temps are the coolest. Two years later he has called and wants additional ventilation. I go over the roof plan, draw up a proposal and he agrees. Then I get a effing book in texts bc he has gotten on the internet and decided he knows better than I about what should be where and how it should be done bc he has read some blanket information that doesn't necessarily pertain to Oklahoma roofing ventilation. Have fun installing it yourself jackass, maybe the internet will fix it when you create a negative airflow and super heat the attic into an oven. And what is this guy? A retired truck driver from California, go figure.
Yes it has. It has turned a team competition into individual competitions. I'm sure fantasy points are being used in contract negotiations as well. As a Steelers fan, it's the main reason I was not upset with Bell and Brown leaving. I'd rather the Steelers be solidified in one goal, rather than multiple egos clashing around and being upset they are not gdtting their stats. They no longer care about winning the game, they just want the stats to be there at the end of it. Antonio could have a 200yd game with 3 TD's and still end up losing the game and he would be happy. Leveon will soon learn, unless I am missing something about the Jets as I do not follow them closely, what that offensive line did for him. I don't see his stutter stepping style working with a collapsing O-line. Brown will be the one of the two to succeed, and that will be mainly because Gruden will make sure it happens. Gruden may have the biggest ego of the 3.
Nah I run trailers with good bearings and all the lights work, have to keep it between the navigational buoys and avoid interfacing with the local authorities.
I've shot roughly 400 rounds through it since got it end of May and never had anything. Pulled the trigger and it went bang doin anything from "speed" drills loading 4 or 6 rounds in 2 mags shooting, reload, and shooting pretty much as quick as can to just slow target shooting. Ammo I've put through it has mostly been winchester white box target ammo, bout 25 rounds of hornaday critical defense, and now 60 ish rounds of this federal ammo. Idk if I've been lucky or what but I've shot alot or been around alot of 9mm goin down range and have never seen this happen. I know it does happen but personally never saw it. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I would really like to hear a recording of the 911 caller trying to explain this to the dispatcher and their reaction to a pool full of kids tied to a roof of a car driving down the highway. I'm surprised that they didn't think it was a prank call.
It wasn't tied down and was empty. Only the two kids were holding it on. Semi flies by or a big wind gust.....