Upper management. I got a new job. I did the proper notice to my current employer. I have yet to hear a thing. My last day is Friday. My coworker ran into our office manager and she told her "It's such a shame we're losing her"...BUT they still haven't contacted me! Our account lady has yet to get back to me. I called and left her a voicemail. I want to know about proper ways to get my 401K moved, get signed up for Cobra insurance (Until mine goes in effect), find out about my life insurance policy, etc. No answers. Why?! This shows how unprofessional they are. We're just a number.
Got a returned call - and now I have a meeting in our main office first thing tomorrow morning. I'm going to guess it's like an exit interview. If it is - they are not going to like what I tell them!
When you unsubscribe from an email list, then they send you another email confirmation. It's really them giving you the middle finger.
People who claim they wouldn't take your team's #3 string QB even though he is better than their #1 and #2 QB.
People who compare what a player does in the NCAA to NFL success. Two different animals and are not really comparable.
Lady at Walmart who's two young boys were just in diapers with marker all over them while yelling with their mom yelling at them. Stay classy...
When the department store clerk asks you 3 times if you want to sign up for their credit card to save 10% on your bill. What part of NO did you not understand the first time?! Kohls in MN does this all the time. Makes me not want to shop there but hey everything is on sale everyday of the year lol.
You men might not see this much but there is a trend to make public toilets sit higher and higher. It's almost to the point where I feel like Lily Tomlin's Edith Ann character. (most of ya'll are probably too young to get that). That's annoying enough but they are also putting the toilet paper dispenser lower and lower. So unless you're an orangutan, you have really work at getting any paper. RANT.
People that take pictures of items they wish to sell and have their damn ugly feet in the picture. Put some damn shoes on or don't get your feet in the pictures right next to something I may want to buy.
This is more of a little annoyance rather than a rant but people that stick their tongue all the way out in order to put food in their mouth. Not even sure why it bothers me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The "if you don't share this picture of Jesus then you will go to hell" posts. I am fairly certain that when I'm standing at the pearly gates God isn't going to have this on his list.
When companies tell you they are going to compensate you for a late order or a B/O item, then they just do nothing....cough cough first lite
When my booger is too sticky and it wont flick off my finger!!! I HATE that!.....Oh come on i know you guys are smiling cause you hate it too.
Are you still watching "insert title here" on Netflix with no option that I know of to turn it off... Yes... YES IM STILL WATCHING IT!!!!!!!!!!