Add passing the marijuana decriminalization to this list, the bill that also expunges weed convictions up to 1 pound when signed. So with Chicago being the hypocrite city in which it has always been, every plea down from violent crime and gun charges to simple posession charges are let out of prison This is everything wrong with this state, really Chicago not so much the state. If that offends you, you are part of the problem.... From Former State Senator Tim Bivins! I’m feeling nostalgic. Almost every week for close to 11 yrs we would write an article called Week in Review, recapping what occurred in Springfield that week. So I thought I would give a brief review one more time. Be sure to read to the end. This week in Springfield the following legislation was passed. 1. Expanded abortion up to birth. 2. Expanded gambling with up to 6 new casinos. 3. Allowing inmates to vote including establishing a polling place at the Cook County Jail. 4. Removing $5 co-pay for inmates making medical and dental completely free. 5. New law passed regarding Driver Licenses. When completing your drivers application you can identify as Male, Female, or Other (non-binary). 6. Legislation to extend voting rights to non-citizen student trustees in Illinois. 7. Passed legislation preventing law enforcement from enforcing the law and making Illinois a Sanctuary State. 8. A bill that requires all Refineries in Illinois, all petrochemical plants, all ethanol plants, all basic organic chemical plants must become union. 9. Tonight passed legislation for a $40 billion budget (a billion more than the governors proposed budget) and $45 billion capital bill, raising license plate fees to $199, legalizes sports betting, higher taxes on video gaming and an expansion of video gaming, a tax hike on cigarettes and vaping, a new tax on parking garages, and raises the gasoline tax to $.38 a gallon. 10. Passed a constitutional amendment to go from a flat tax to a progressive tax. 11. Increased minimum wage to $15. 12. Last but not least legislators gave themselves a 2.5% salary raise, a 25% and 33% increase in mileage and per diem.
Come to Oklahoma. The oilfield is picking back up, a variety of new business are moving in, homes are super affordable and the wildlife is abundant. Of course, you will have to figure out what to do with all your newly discovered free time that you would normally spend pissing and moaning about politics.. lol.
Was in Washington DC for board meetings with an association that I am on the board of directors. We had a presentation yesterday after lunch a young woman with a PHD was there to talk to us about diversity and inclusion. Towards the end of her presentation she brought up racial bias in AI, because of who programed and designed the machine. She went on to say that the early proximity sensors used in bathrooms like flushing toilets, hand dryers, and paper towel machines did not recognize black skin and that they had to turn the light colored side of their hands over to make the machines work. I did a little fact checking and it is BS proximity sensors do not see skin color, and I knew this the auto flush toilets do not see skin so how can they judge. If you see racism everywhere you might be the racist. Sadly she did a very good presentation and it was during the q & a she told some of racist machines, she may have felt baited.
Sounds completely like a take over by Islam to me without firing a gun. Just like Valerie Jarret said, use the liberal laws of America against itself. So go ahead America, kill off your aborted fetuses while Islam neary loses 1. Go ahead America, disarm yourself because this will make you safer, until you can’t defend yourself when the tyranny comes. Go ahead America and turn your sons into girls and eliminate the strong from your society so you become a push over. We are doomed by liberal thinking !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[QUOTE="Sota, post: 1496129, . She went on to say that the early proximity sensors used in bathrooms like flushing toilets,did not recognize black skin [/QUOTE] Should be all pink?
GD racist lights. I am disappointed and plan to live the rest of days in complete darkness out of protest and solidarity.
Haha, you have to nest up dude! Just let a piece of toilet paper rest on the top of the water and then bombs away! No more splashback
Big weekend in the Chicago area, 50 people were shot, only 10 dead. If they were deer hunters people would be protesting.
Need stricter gun control. We will send you cuomo to help out. Sent from my iPad using Forums
I've wondered what triggers the dispensers and toilets. Movement? Heat? Contrast? In the bathroom of the ballistics lab where I work, we have a 'racist' paper towel dispenser that won't work if you're wearing gloves. (We happen to wear black gloves) Really, it's just blind or stingy because even without gloves you need to practically touch the sensor to activate it. (Ewwww) Meanwhile, in the gel room I can be standing three feet away from that paper towel dispenser and it will gleefully start spitting out paper towels like it's a CVS receipt. We also have a hand sanitizer dispenser that will trigger any time someone walks within a foot of it... but it waits 5-10 seconds so it seems like it's just randomly going off. These things amuse me. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk