Better stock up while down there haha. It's 7 or 8 bucks here for now, but will go up again shortly with the new tax. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
What I see coming in the grocery stores. Farm land across the entire country flooding, crops going in late or failing due to constant rain, hay not getting cut. Pollination down in orchards due to rains wind during blossom. It will hit us in the pocket book.
I hope somebody pulls this guy's punk card.
Well truth is ? Drake just used this social media highlight to sell more songs that he rapped about and brings himself front and center to sell more and more. Draymon Green is what 6’8” and 230-245 ? He guards LeBron who is a beast, I’m sure he’d smush Drake like a popped zit. But it’s a good time for Drake to heighten his exposure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So IL will soon decriminalize weed. Shortly thereafter the next big crying game is going to be how a lot of workplaces are still drug free environments. You can't go to work drunk either, main difference is alcohol stays in your system 12-15 hours after use. Weed stays in for up to 28 days after use. Just because it's decriminalized at state level does not mean insurance companies will now not require drug testing after workplace injuries or during hirings.
That'll be helpful for those 15/hour minimum wage jobs. Helpful for the employers to not have to pay it anyway haha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I wonder what the “under the influence “ laws will be Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Visit LA to see the results of what liberals and illegals vote for. Bring a mask if you dont want the plague or typhus.
Sadly we're creeping that way. Luckily we only have one major city full of dems to fight. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
IL gas tax is going to double, pretty much a done deal. Won't be long before the plates raise and mileage tax introduction so they can misspend even more money. IL, just reaffirming the nation we are the lousiest and most corrupt state in America. Venezuella or bust!!! I'm about to start voting Democrat just to get it over with and feel like a winner. There's gotta be something they're enjoying to keep voting like they do
The rual parts aren't really getting that bad but it's starting to lean more left all over. Probably like many places around the country. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm telling you guys, you don't have any idea just how crappy hellinois really is until you get out. I lament all the years and money I wasted in that @#$!* state. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk