He has always had a record of looking from both sides. That's why I thought the Libs were so freaking stupid for trying to frame him. They could have done so much worse if they had actually been successful at blocking him from the seat. The bigger story is the fact that the Libs were actually caught trying to frame him and that didn't make the national radar. Same pattern, different day.
I guess Girsuch is also a liberal as he has voted along with Democrat nominees as well. Toss Roberts inbtheir as well. So by your surmise we have a 7-2 liberal leaning SCOTUS. Gotcha....... let me know how that pans out in the future.
My quest in life is complete, I have finally been called a lemming. How will I ever rant again.......
Stupid waiting periods to pick up new firearm. Ha. Honestly never had it without one so not big deal but it still sucks waiting 3 days for really no reason. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If you ever thought that it would suck to ride around in a Piper cub during unstable weather you would be correct.
Idiot is what happens when you go to the reality tv show format to hire your analysts because no self-respecting former player or coach wants to be associated with you.
If they believe their sexuality was predetermined, they probably think they were created to worship god, as well. The whole predestination/predetermined argument is problematic both theologically and in a social/secular sense. It can foster solipsism and narcissism as well as fatalism. Or in layman's terms, one could become an egocentric ****** or a poor me poor me pity party patrick.