What I didnt care for was that this was a GOP backed state question and it was tricky wording in order confuse intentionally. What it ended up doing was exposing the greed of our lawmakers and how they will go against their own constituents best interests in order to profit for themselves. Short rope, tall tree and let your maker pass judgment on you. To me it's pretty clear as to who our enemy is, greedy lawmakers trying to con their single issue voter base.
That's exactly what I got out of it, thank you greedy lawmakers trying to con their single issue voter base Another great line
So who presents the most neutral, fact based reporting? I seriously do not know. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Vice News shows are pretty good on HBO. The one they did on the 9th Circuit court was spot on IMO. One has to read many sources to get what is really going on, even local news is slanted these days based on who owns it.
Thats what alot of ppl here are doin, hay side especially. Idk what its like down there but up here the small family farm is all but gone. If you're not farming couple thousand acres you can't compete. Between imputs and what you get when u haul it off. Plus farmers doin it to themselves goin around and out bidding eachother on cash rent. Alot of old money around and they're starting to get alot of it. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I've been sticking to CNN, the Washington Post, and Fox. I need to expand Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
We are considered a small family farm here. We only own 5000 acres with 4200 acres in production. Hell the only reason we plant wheat is for leased winter graze for cattle. The best money I made last year off the farms was alfalfa hay and leasing to hunters. Can you believe people will pay to shoot hogs!? If they would just asked to hunt hogs I would have paid them!
I cannot for the life of me figure how anyone can take CNN and the WAPO seriously in this day and age. Along with MSNBC the very most crooked news reporting in the world. Their agenda is constant and sickening. I’m sick of CNN and their race agenda, anti Republican garble, Trump hatred and sin sniffing of anything coming from conservatives. Fox is decent, in most instances but super bad on other instances depending who the host is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been spending most our lives livin’ in a homeless paradise Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I cant take any of them seriously, including those aholes at Fox News. So I use them all and try to formulate some semblance of the truth. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Being a car dealer, it takes about 5 seconds before I know MSM is pissing down my back and telling me it’s raining. Liars are easy to spot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finance Director Don’t sell me short. Lol Only time I sold cars was when I was wholesale buying and selling. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk