I am holding the current president responsible for what he has said he would do. 2020 does not matter at this point. Trumps going to win because the other candidates are that bad or have no chance. Is it wrong to hold trump or anyone accountable for what they say thy are going to do?
Ooooops cls!!!! You done fooled me ! You were so far out in left field I thought you was stoned on Ayatollah Obama juice !! My apologies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@dnoodles only has himself to blame on this one but I'm all in on Andrew Yang. And not bc the the UBI, although a $12k automatic tax break will be nice, but I like the dude bc he is everything that Trump would like to be, a successful entrepreneur that is offering solutions to problems and not just another fat political pig wallowing in the mire. Trump never delivered on his promise of a straight 25% tax for self employed, he did however eliminate a lot of deductions and I stroked one fat ass check to the IRS this year. I'm so tired of the constant cry baby whining from that fat blob about how others are holding him back, sounds like a teenager crying about how life ain't fair. But hey, he is in trade talks with China again so I am more than positive my margin on my wheat this year will shrink even more than it did last year when he once again showed us his almighty "Art of The Deal". Wish I could have written off over a billion dollars of loss in the nineties and had my daddy bail me out but fat chance, my father raised a man not a sulky fat orange whore monger that peddles his line of bs under the guise of being a Christian and a successful businessman. Lies. Rant over.
Voting is the most concrete way to hold someone accountable. You live in a swing state. Your vote is interesting to me.
If you’re in any swing state and you don’t vote Trump , you hate yourself, America and success. The guy has put up astounding employment numbers and that’s while being under a fake investigation. Say he gets 4 full years of total cooperation? What the helllll will be like ? Needing to import workers to satisfy the needs ? Please, use your common sense and stop the politics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unless China figures out their pork production problem you're gonna be pretty disappointed in anything they buy from us grain wise. Bean will likely take a hit too. Hard to sell to someone who doesn't need it. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
"Wish I could have written off over a billion dollars of loss in the nineties and had my daddy bail me out but fat chance, my father raised a man not a sulky fat orange whore monger that peddles his line of bs under the guise of being a Christian and a successful businessman. Lies. Rant over." Lol!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
To the bolded, since this thread was started for nearly the entire second term of Obama's. Wanted to go back and see all your rants on his lies and deceptions. Your first post wasn't until May of 2016 about Green Bay, and only one other through the election about gmmatt. Yes, I was bored https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/the-rant-thread.45214/page-52#post-1220900 Where was your accountability rants for Obama and his "healthcare for all and you can keep your doctor", his acceptance and defending of BLM/Antifa riots over false narratives, Benghazi, sending Iran a billion plus in cash plus releasing frozen assets, his AG and the fast and furious gun scandal, his second AG and the Clinton tarmac meeting. All politicians lie throughout their campaigns, every single one, regardless of what that office is. No single politician of any level can carry out their "promises" alone, that's what the Congress and General Assemblies are for. I've said it one thousand times, so I'll say it again, I did not vote for Trump due to his tact and promises of which most knew couldn't be made. I never expected a 30 foot concrete wall to stretch the border, I didn't even believe it would be 10 foot taller after Mexico's ex presidente said "Mehico is not going to pay for the Effing wall!". My vote was for what I can now put names to in Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and with a potential 2 or 3 SCOTUS appointments within the current through next term, I will put my vote squarely on Trump again. With the candidates the Democrat party has now, Trump actually looks pretty sane.
The truth of this statement is a strong condemnation of the failures of both the democrats and republicans. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It's a sign the people are sick of the bullcrap. Even with both chambers in Republican control for the first 2 years promises of all Republican congressman and Trump did not go through. A few took Dem votes, but a few were nixed by Republicans, ie McCain who was nothing more than a Mark Kirk of IL, now replaced by Duckworth. My fear is Democrats taking full reign of all 3 branches again, they will stick together and railroad every single promise they are making through. I live in IL and live it everyday. Socialism will be a debt removing way of life, debt free by 2024....
It’s actually happening. The snow is sticking. 3-5” tonight. Now I need to mow our grass AND shovel the sidewalk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya debt free because the socialist will confiscate everything you own and beware to all those with gold fillings...
My yard needed mowed last month, then it snowed and I refused to mow the day after. Wasn't right. Keep that chit up there please
You don't need to own anything anymore, it's all free. Now we'll share properties and no one will sleep unsheltered. Drifters paradise
The self proclaimed “King of Debt” has never had any interest in reducing the national debt. He has said he’ll he gone by the time it explodes. Furthermore...few politicians in Washington (either party) really give a **** about it either.
I'm going off on a tangent, but.. I don't want to know how much Trump lost when his Casino failed. I don't care about his tax returns. What I do care about is what is causing the youth of today to commit to killings of their peers. What causes otherwise normal citizens to act out and cause mass harm. Whatever happened to that compound in New Mexico that was raided and found to have been training children to become mass/school shooters, then was destroyed without explanation and erased from current news stories. Where does Big Pharma and their lobbyists/doctors fit in with a lot of the delusional creating the carnage in the last generation or two? Violence, anywhere, has never been void and it will never be gone. Human nature, doesn't even explicitly apply to human, says odds will be had within our social ranks and confrontations ensue. Weapons do not dictate carnage, minds do. The mind dictates which weapon is available and to what carnage it can carry out as to what they want to accomplish.
The fact that trump isnt one of the supposed goodie two shoes pathetic evangelical types is one reason I supported him over the other “conservatives”. I have no interest in electing a “preacher”. Im for keeping middle eastern mythological nonsense as far away from our policies and law making as much as possible. Why i wont back any of the nutzo democrats. Yang supports gun grabbing and socialist nonsense which is why he’s considered radioactive to me. Is Trump perfect? Not by a long shot. However out of the clown car that is politics these days, he is the most sane out of all of them. Left wing or right wing. There is no middle of the road anymore.