Shoulder injuries.....between the time I made the DR apt and the day I saw him, I guess I hurt it worse when I was trying to get all my firewood in and processed. One weekend hauling it in and the next, finish cutting, split and stack. I was feeling what I believe to be item 1 when I made the appt. I got a CD of the scan and even I can see item 3 MRI results: IMPRESSION: 1. Diffuse tendinosis of the rotator cuff with small low-grade partial tear of the supra spinatus tendon 2. Biceps tendinosis and tenosynovitis 3. Superior glenoid chondromalacia with degenerative fraying and/or tear of the superior labrum with no detachment or displacement
Damn bro. Get it fixed up if it needs fixing or get started on your rehab ASAP to build up around it. No detachment is the good news, rehab might fix ya ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I fear you are correct. I am already looking for a lift system to put on the log splitter so I can split the big stuff right in the woods.
I’d rest it for some time so the tendinitis subsided before going on a very lite weight regime to push blood thru the shoulders. My shoulders are junk too, but I’ve found excercises that work blood thru and the blood really does heal you. I’m 60 now and still hunt @ 70 pounds on my Hoyt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not necessarily, it a depends on how seriously he takes the PT and continues doing strengthening exercises after completion of PT. @picman take the PT seriously, and more importantly, continue to strengthen the shoulder after PT is done. I make a lot of money working with personal training clients who think the work is done once the PT is complete. Keep your ego in check and keep strengthening the shoulder. With your shoulder diagnosis, it is not. Keep strengthening it after the completing the PT and there will still be many good years of shooting a bow in your future. The crossbow is avoidable, if you wish it to be.
Whoa wait you use a log splitting machine? Dang good think I am still young and can hand split with a maul.
I've decided not to have my shoulder operation. Instead, I quit bench pressing, took a month off from any form of weight lifting, and got back into it very carefully using resistance bands and dumbbells in place of barbells. I can now play guitar without pain, shoot the bow no problem, and do moderate resistance training as mentioned. I just couldn't see not being able to drive and work for eight weeks mandatory. Icing my shoulder after exercise or chores even when there's been no pain has helped. I have a torn RC, severe arthritis, and a torn biceps tendon. But my DIY rehab has been very effective. Basic rule for those wishing to avoid my problems: keep your palms in and your thumb towards your body or towards the sky. And forget barbell pressing movements. No human shoulder is perfect and ever barbell rep can pinch your shoulder joint.
Oh, I can split with a maul but the good lord gave me a brain. Got to know when to use it. LOL @cantexian, I plan on following the therapist instructions to the letter. And then to continue after on my own. There is more to life than hunting with a vertical bow (GASP!!!) If it ends at that, it ends at that but I'm not going down without a fight! I would even switch hands to keep shooting. I'm left eye dominate but shoot righty. Sore shoulder is right side. Come mid August, I will know if I can pull a bow. Until then, my bow stays in its case.
Not barbell bench pressing is the smartest move you could have made. Changing your grip with dumbbells was also a good move. In my earlier post, when I referred to people who don't check their ego, it is typically the guy who goes right back to the barbell bench press. Eventually, that person ends up back in PT, having surgery, or coming to someone like me. Unless you are a college, Olympic, or professional athlete, the long term risk of shoulder injury isn't worth it with the barbell bench press. Dumbbells are a much smarter path to take. Well done!
That there are people stupid, won't even use the word naive, enough to believe such absolute nonsense and the Democratic party, including Obama, are trying to start the narrative. Ignorance is bliss.....
So today was supposed to be my first day of flying air detection for the DNR. I get to the main office and sit in the briefing get all the equipment lined out get to the airport and Noon comes no plane. 12:30 I call to let them know that I have not signed on the radio yet because I am not in the plane. 1:00 I get a call that the plane was not ordered for the day. I drove home, what a joke and got paid to drive there and back.
Can't wait to see Trump able to do the job we elected him to do unimpeded, by both sides of the aisle. Lets not blame it soley on Trump, it would be hard for anyone to do their job with what he has to deal with, even when it not arguable it is good for the country they still fight him tooth and nail because they can.
Mfer. Multiple shooters at a Colorado school. Police are engaging. This hurts Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Democrats willing to destroy our country because they didn't win an election. I hope their base are hit the hardest when the millions of illegals able to set up in this country stage the up rising. I believe that will occur within the next 5 yrs. Remember these are not just Mexican. Re writing history, why is it that no one wants various tribes in Africa to pay reparations, when it was in many cases tribe leaders selling captured enemy tribe members, family members. Not just in America, actually way before we were formed. Across Europe and the middle East. Hey let us all go back centuries dig up all the atrocities and ask for reparations. Oh imagine , how much natives, jewish, Chinese, woman, ect.ect.ect. could ask for. Give me freaking break already wha wha wha history happened, things evolve, humans victimize each other. Unless you are being placed in servitude right now.. Move on and work to keep history from repeating it's self.
I can't say enough, listen to your therapists! Do the home work they say and don't go off on your own until they give an OK. I have a complete tear on my left ACL, Dr said I was too young for the knee replacements I need and sent me to PT. I could barely walk when I got there. In 4 mos. I was peddling 10 miles and walking 3 3days a week, plus 2 miles of hiking at home. Doing 90# lateral leg lifts and pulling 180 #'s on the sled. It all started with baby steps. Good luck.