Well GOD bless you all. I can still vividly see our close neighbor running out of her house and down the front yard in her thin flowered night dress. Totally engulfed in flames. I was playing in our drive way and about 6. Her husband was screaming and running after her. Telling her to drop. They took her away and the fire dept. Spent more time hosing our house down then their place. It was a loss before they got there. Our home was under construction and had tar paper covering it for the wooden siding to go up. She lived but was just a mess. Even her speech was effected. They moved back and she taught me compassion at an early age.
some run towards the sound of gunfire. Some run towards the sound of crackling flames. Both deserve respect.
I am the most easy coffee consumer in the world. I just want a coffee with just one cream or a dab of cream. They consistently mess my order up. Today I'm 10 miles away from the restaurant and noticed that my coffee tastes like 50 pounds of sugar. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Oh, so you are picky on who saves or defends your loved ones? I didn’t know you could choose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are some guys in police and military that enjoy killing. There are some guys at the fire department that enjoy the blaze, and set houses on fire. There are some pedophiles in child care and education. Use your brain to discern. If you have none, fall back to the government-ordered adoration mode. And out ...
Dunkin? Hate DD. While I like their brew, the absence of any semblance of quality control/training at the franchise level makes getting a coffee from there a crapshoot at best. Better off handling the add ins yourself at most places. At McDs if you let them put in "one" sweetner it tastes like 5. There are few things in life more irritating than a screwed up cup of coffee when you really want a coffee.
I should do a poll here but I would rather just rant. What percentage of Americans have realized that the mainstream network media is trying to overthrow the president?
Stopped watching main stream 15 years ago, I also left organized religion when sermons where mainly about $$$$ and politics.
I can not grasp the concept if I am home I only drink co On a somewhat related note a few years back I was on the scene of a debris burning fire that escaped, it only made a half acre but the property was filled with garbage piles and junk cars etc. It was one of those places that you look at and think meth trash. We get the fire knocked down and the homeowner asked me to take a look at his son to see if he needed to go to the hospital. The kid had little blisters on his arms and legs and torso. I asked the kid if he got traped by the fire how did he get the burns. The simpleton thought that was how you were supposed to put out a fire stop drop and roll. The idiot tried to roll on the flames when it escaped. Swear to god I thought I was on candid camera or something but no I believe the kid was a pure bred idiot.
Wannabe, there is not one species in the world that doesn't have it's bad element. Humans to insects and cells every species has an element of aggression. You can't judge general by the few. Our cells makes us, but cancer cells work hard to kill us, honey bees feed us from pollination, to honey, but killer bees attack us. Humans in general choose to be good but we have killers among us. Should we all hate each other because of the few? Should we give up because some of our cells maybe cancerous, do we kill all bees because some attack aggressively? When I was 12 I was attacked by 2 Hispanic boys in the city walking back from lunch with my sister( they walked away calling me a loco biouch) Even so should I hate all hispanics? Come on! We all know the ying and yang of life. The best advise ever given me was " there is ALWAYS good to be found in the bad ", All life would be better if we concentrate on finding that over dwelling on the other.
A) Hold me beer B) Kin of the above? C) Florida https://www.outdoorhub.com/news/201...ies-kiss-cottonmouth-snake-hospitalized-bite/
You can finally stop hunting. Thanks to the great Bill Gates adn his associates, meat will now be grown in labs: https://www.sott.net/article/412445...-to-hit-shelves-in-first-US-state-this-summer