Exactly. How does someone else being gay affect you? it doesn't. get over yourself and live YOUR life, not someone else's.
it's called duty. Good to know you don't care that public schools are erasing history. It's only one of the first steps in nearly all fascist/totalitarian takeovers. If allowed to metastasize (along with other internal attacks) our nation will fall, and soon. You may not live to see it (you probably will) but your kid certainly will. I return to my original statement- reap what we sow.
OND, you seem to be a great gal. I go to great leanghs too try and get women/ girls involved in hunting. I find females make very good hunters/ shooters.
Do you know why I "LOL" a lot? Of course not, let me tell you. People and their human nature. I am actually a miserable old b--ch sometimes,the best part of that is I own it. I usually do so with a big Ole smile on my face. I'm also the most conciderate and kind person I can be and I have learned to try and at least stick one foot into someone else shoe before making judgements. I'm sure you have your good points,though when spouting hateful things about a group of people I'm sure you don't understand ,those good points get drown. Something to think about. Our minds are memory chips, as we age it tends to pull up old data for review. Hard as one tries you can not stop what it wants to do. Concider how much regret you can handle in those "twilight" years.
Naw Sota. I don't do the like/ dislike thing. I find it kinda childish. I don't know you were top dog in the dislike position?
You find it kinda childish? Fascinating that you think that you have an adult perspective based on the retardation of your thought process. I will say that you do have the absolute right to your beliefs as wrong as they are.
Who's the wacko who got fired on for FOX, yeah Glenn Beck. He must be your hero. Go work a 14 hour day, I have fun stuff to do. Like cut some wood and get ready to kill Sota a buck. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/gmgfdo/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-conservative-libertarian
What do you mean? I have hunted several years in a row and have shot several deer. You are faulting me for knowing the precise time that my odds are the highest for success? If I don't sit in a tree like an idiot week after week hoping something happens it makes me lesser of a hunter?
Happy rant. Second day of clear skies in a row. Soon as I finish playing Game of Porcelain Thrones I'm going to spend the rest of the day outside.
I am an idiot that can not just quit. I am going up Tuesday to ride in a damn plane from 10-6 to fly in the DNR detection airplane spotting illegal burners, find wildfires and guide the ground forces in and be eyes in the sky for them. They are going to pay me the same obscene rate I got paid to work as an incident commander. I will be the first detection guy that has extensive ground experience I think it will go well.
I don't know how you guys do it , just terrifying! I was working in the garden one day and happen to look over my shoulder. I about freaked out ,there was so much blk./ Grey smoke pluming over my tree line. I of course cautiously went toward it looking and listening. I hit our back line and a half mile away across an open field and road was a wild fire. The fire dept was having a heck of a time controlling it and nearly lost a truck. That line of fire was marching across the vacant field dbl time. Had it jumped the road I have no doubt we would have lost our place. There was years of sheet moss and dead weed tuff fueling it with our winds..It was an angry hungry fire started byburning garbage.
I can not explain it but responding and being an incident commander to a ripping fire was soothing to me, it was like it was slowed down I felt more in control of that fire than everyday life. Not sure that makes sense but in the chaos it was calming to just see what needed to be done. Always had lots of stuff to use from the detection plane and helicopters and big water scoopers to drop water. Biggest part of success is familiarity and experience I have been on close to 500 fires either being an engine boss or incident commander just in Minnesota. Going out west in an unfamiliar fuel type always made me pucker a little.