WillO, I like your signature. Perhaps you fag lovers( acceptors, pun intended) should hook up? But for me, I'm a MAN, anus' s are meant for one thing and it ainta recieving. I ain't preaching hate, I'm preaching God's word... A MAN shalt not lie down with another MAN! You fellas are a " clicky" bunch This is an outdoors related forum. I'm quite sure there are others that fit your ( agenda) out there?
New battery fixed my rangefinder. Now, if the rain will hold off tomorrow I may be able to get the R 100 in tomorrow afternoon. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I know it's not been every single day, but I'm not kidding I think maybe 18 of the last 22 days have had measurable rain. And it's been in the low 50s-or even into the low 40s most of that time. My yard is a swamp, and my house is a disaster. Effing dogs. Going to take fletch's advice.
more Fake News, Germ? https://www.thecollegefix.com/high-school-may-erase-george-washington-murals-traumatizes-students/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/even-g...mod=MorningEditorialReport&mod=&mod=djemMER_h https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...gton-murals-because-they-traumatize-students/ apparently George Washington is too traumatizing for students at George Washington High in San Francisco.
We are 7 inches above normal on the year for rainfall. Looking like another 2-3" next week with another chance for heavy rain after.
Getting a raise then noticing 43% of that raise was gone after taxes and such. Haha. More life ball kicks. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yea they just shut down the old bridge in Quincy other day. We came across newer ome today after work and the water is running over MO side. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
further proof that the global warming climate change fraudsters are intentionally obfuscating weather with climate.
So shouldn't GOD be the one to cast that final judgement and not some loudmouth on a bowhunting forum? Seems you want to play the role of, rather than being the follower/believer of, and cast the final judgement. Truthfully, you sound more like a pompous and bigoted man than a man of the book. Holier than thou type, if you will. You have the right to believe what you want to, and even speak to it. The latter does not extend to internet forums. Hoping you get banned, regretting that I could have done it.
isn't roughly 43% of all wages automatically withheld via taxes and such? Been pretty much that way my whole life.
. There's 3 of them. Climate Prediction Center Weather Prediction Center Storm Prediction Center They are all forecast based, not agenda based as far as what I follow.
I get what you're saying but those depicted models are for less than a week. By NOAA's own definitions that is not "climate" that's weather. Even though they labeled this as "climate". But I do thank you for posting it the pics. Had no idea it was this widespread
Those are sites that interpret the models and base forecasts from them. It's all good either way, but those three sites most National Weather Service meteorologists use for their local forecasts on top of the actual models.
Lol, hardly. Your words have no impact on me. I disliked the whole attitude behind them . I also, being old enough to have studied human nature, understand what is really behind a man that has to shout out to the world "I am a MAN ". It's just a bit sad to me.