Sorry I just do not have the ability to go buy all natural soap, and make up some compassionate BS up. I am a firm believer in personal awareness that means that you do what you can to not have a negative impact on those around you, wether it is not blocking an isle in a grocery store, or not going around smelling like a goat in a professional setting. Granted if you have chemistry issue it is one thing but but if you eat nothing but hummus and tuna and not shower you are going to sink. On the rare occasion I walk into the engineering office and I walk into a stench that makes a buck goat smell good it effects the people that have to work in the same space. Same if you drive a taxi, think of other that have to be around you. Hell I will take a shower before bed if I got all hot and sweaty doing stuff around the ranch after work because it would be inconsiderate to make my wife sleep with a smelly old goat like me.
Prime Minister Trudeau declared high speed internet to be a human rights issue, the Canadian government took over a lot of internet services and it went to crap. Just like most government moves into the private sector. I lived in Canada for 15 years, but I am glad I don't live there now. That idiot is a Canadian Obama but even more stupid.
So not for nothing.. As a roofing contractor that works insurance claims the deductible conversation comes up with every single job. I don't pay them, period. With the implementation of 1-2% deductibles it's impossible to absorb that cost and put on the quality that we have consistently done since day one 41 years ago. My rant, most people understand this and we are able to chip away at it but not just fully pay it. However, there are those certain people who always want to cheat the system, clearly not my type of customer. Yesterday was no different and I had one that came to a head and not being able to resist being a smart ass I think I have discovered my newly found approach. Oklahoma is a heavy leaning red State so when the customer asked me about paying his deductible and I noticed the MAGA bumper-sticker I asked if he was a democrat? You would have thought I humped his mom by his reaction and when he asked why in the world I thought that I responded with "Because you're asking me to commit Insurance fraud so you can have something for free, isn't that what you liberals are all about, free stuff?" Throughout the entire conversation I just kept referring to him as a liberal wanting everything for free and that as a reputable contractor I didn't think we were a "good fit". Needless to say, he signed a full boat contract and is now convinced that paying his deductible is as red blooded American as apple pie and Chevy.
Have been trying to get a meeting scheduled with the Louisiana DEQ on changing regulatory rules for level recording in landfill cells for about a month finally this morning they shoot me an e-mail saying we can do it May 30th. May 31st I am scheduled to go to Washington DC for board meetings. So I will now fly out of MSP May 29th do the meeting in Shreveport on the 30th and go from Shreveport to DC. Normally just a busy travel schedule but the time frame covers my birthday, not that I celebrate but I do go fishing on my birthday, not this year and I will be sitting in boring board meetings instead of fishing.
I have been an agent for 29 years and absolutely love this. I have also been asked to commit what amounts to insurance fraud and have told clients that they might want to find another agent. I have no time for that kind of crap. More times than not, the company pays more than enough to get the roof done anyway and the deductible is lessened or eliminated.
Wrote an $1100 check this morning after having the gas pipes completely overhauled repairing the leak. Unfortunately, we had multiple leaks, one of which is coming from the furnace. The HVAC guy will be buy tomorrow. Its a good thing my FIL has known and worked with that plumber for 20 years or I would be thinking he had ripped me off. Hopefully, the furnace will be an easy fix. He thought the pilot light was struggling to stay on once the gas was turned back on. Oh the joys of home ownership. The furnace is only four years old so it should still be in pretty good shape.
Yeah, not a huge deal since I have the money and am paying cash for the repairs. But I would have rather dropped $1100 on a family vacation or an out-of-state hunt next fall.
I will be setting the table for my son, excited for that I hope he shoots one bigger than I have ever seen.
Best part is Mom's baby boy gets an unlimited budget for gear, I may sneak a few things in for myself. Funny how a woman needs 20 different pairs of shoes to go with different outfits but does not understand why a man needs more than one color or pattern of camo clothing.
The city of Little Rock announced today that they have created a new program to give, yes give, low income families looking to buy their first home, a $5000 grant for a down payment. WTF? We are going to give taxpayer's money to people who have very little to live on as it is, to buy home's they can't afford and not able to save up a down payment on their own? When I did move and wake up in California? No way this will backfire. The city can't find the funding to fix our pothole-ridden streets, but we can give poor people money to buy a home?
Okiebob, that great!. A few years ago, I was building a deck. Neighbor down the street came n asked me to look at a wood fence that needed repairs. I said sure. As I walked up his driveway, I seen Obama stickers on his vehicle bumpers. I turned and went back to my deck job. A day or 2 later, I stopped by and asked if I looked at his fence. I said nope, was going to until I seen those decals. He just gave out a long grunt and walked away.