So todays thing that makes me say this is not going to end well. This whole healthcare for all, who is going to pay for it? News story Social security will be depleted in 15 years. National debt higher and higher. I wish I was 83 instead of 53.
We already pay for it. We have the highest healthcare cost in the world. That's why our insurance premiums are so high. As for the debt that's a bit of a shocker for me. Being we have the best economy we have had since the 90's and the debt is growing faster since 2012. I'd rant about it, but nobody seems to care where their guy is in office.
I actually think I get where Germ was coming from regarding his statement on cops and teachers. You can't imagine what they have to deal with unless you are one or live with one. He wasn't saying they have the same experience; it's just that both careers are both professions and identities. Firefighters and Servicepeople as well. A lot of nurses probably fall into that category as well. Certainly ones that work in hospitals. My last points on this (hopefully): I never said teaching isn't hard. I said becoming one isn't all that hard. Being a good teacher is hard. I also said never said the profession is overpaid. I just said many teachers should not be in the profession; and that many who are in the profession are in it for the wrong reasons and/or are actually professional indoctrinators rather than "educators" in the traditional sense. Most people have no idea how pervasively the Socialist/SJW and even outright Communist movement(s) have and are influencing the teaching profession from the top down, bottom up. My "opinions" on this specifically are backed by the NEA's own literature not fake news. Where I agree with JRK is the criticism was not intended to be personal attack on any specific teacher and certainly not directed at anyone here (or their spouses) so there was no need for anyone to take personal offense...unless it hit a little too close for comfort in that you or yours are one of those professional indoctrinators. If I see and hear a local news story (in the Chicago Tribune- not Breitbart) about how a group of SJ Baby Brown Shirts nearly shut down a school over...historically correct art and I feel the need to A) point it out and B) ridicule it; it's my prerogative to post it here for all to see. Many may not give 2 craps. But obviously some did. This is the "rant" thread after all. From the other side- Getting into law enforcement is not all that hard. Being a good cop is hard. The law enforcement profession certainly isn't overpaid (for the most part.) However, I think it's fair to say that a good percentage of people who initially get into law enforcement should not be in the profession. However, with law enforcement mediocrity is usually not rewarded and inferiority is often culled (nepotism aside - admittedly there is a good deal of nepotism in law enforcement.) These are generalities and of course there are exceptions (both good and bad.) However, none of this criticism means I disrespect cops or don't appreciate what good cops do for society. Just as I appreciate what a good teacher does. So if you or your spouse is a good teacher, military, cop, firefighter; thanks and God Bless for your public service. Gladly shuck out 10-20% of my salary to support you. However, if you think it's cool to take my tax money and use it to promote a bunch of SJW propaganda, suck an egg and Come Get Some.
Germ the issue with the national debt goes beyond 1 person or even one branch, you can do better than that.
I agree, i am just shocked because the last time economy did this well(not as well as today) we did not have budget deficits. It had to do a lot with congress also. I liked the group that came in 94.
Not so much a rant but this morning while getting breakfast I met the "triggered" meme girl.. I mean she pulled up in a Prius with California tags, looked just like the girl in the meme and when I asked her if she was in fact the triggered girl, she became triggered. So..
My wife's little suv was making a noise, I never drive it so I did not hear the noise. She made an appointment to bring it in, 50 yards from the entrance to the shop the steering arm came off. $90 to get it owed 50 yards, plus when it came apart it needs a new axel on that side $1200 to repair. Nice, 50 more yards. 1. it was not me 2 really, I know northern lower is a bit different but come on!!!
Maybe trigger girl could benefit from the dog yoga class that I was asked to provide during orientation week for new students next month. I get that therapy dogs can have an appropriate time and place but if you need to do yoga with one during your first week of medical school, maybe you are heading into the wrong line of work. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
From the looks of the weather pattern coming up, it's almost guaranteeing a late crop harvest around here this coming deer season.
It was probably a ****ty English teacher I had that explains my spelling. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Try scheduling a good day to pour concrete, past few weeks have sucked. But I'd say you're right, this past weekend was really only time crops went in around here yet this year. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Do shirts cost more or less if we cut the bottom half off? If they cost more i got some we can cut off and make good money on.... just sayin cant believe parents let ther girls out of the house like that.. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Getting a subpoena for a 2 day trial during the first week of bow season. Unreal. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Lol ..let me step in it with both feet. They stopped turning out decent ( in general )educators back in the 60's. Throughout high school I worked for several teacners. I married in to a family that had every female being a teacher. I had a day care business with teachers as clients. BTW the only ones I had to drop. Then our daughter taught at Georgia University as her first job and was chief of staff at a NYS college at the age of 34. A position she resigned from the day they announced a promotion, due to ethical issues she could not tolerate nor condone. Finally I was a teachers aid in two district's. From kindergarten to high school I have personally seen the depths of moral and ethical misconduct,epic failures in job performance and disgusting disrespect for both students and parent's. In all those years I can say I have encountered a hand full of true professionals.