Dang it why don't I have a rich uncle! I need a truck like these.... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm currently working on a Raptorized Expedition...just not sure if I'm going to soup the 5.4 or just bite the bullet on a 6.2 End up looking something like this (Just not the XL like this one)
yeah, I am worried I won't like the production new Bronco. The rear end of that mule looks hideous. I'm hoping that's the "baby Bronc" that I'm now reading about. I also am reading a lot of meh reviews on the Ranger on which the Bronco is based (compared to the Taco and the Colo/Canyons.) Not passing judgement until I see one in person. I had wanted a Raptorized Bronc to be my wife's next car but we shall see.
I thought it would be more emotional than it was, it did not bother me one bit when I drove away. Nobody believes that I am really done, even though I gave away my red nomex shirt, incident commanders billfold, and keys to the fire base. I woke up good feeling I made the right decision.
Buying stuff you just "have to have", yet you use one time and they have hung in the same spot in the garage for 3 years.
Ranting that I wish my dad didn't live 1000 miles away and could spend more time with the kids. Dad even fired up the wife to fish. Son got up enough energy to kayak for a couple hrs...and he caught a good one. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
That's a lot of bandwidth use for someone who does not care, hell you have even edited it. I guess if you don't want to defend the teachers in your family, well that's your business not mine. Tell your Aunt an Grandmother thank you from me for doing a job 100% who complain about teachers can't do.
You should see rush hour traffic in the nations capital region. 25% of the drivers are 20mph over the speed limit, on every single road. They will actually see the police coming and pick it up to 90 mph and start weaving in and out of traffic because they know we won't go after them if they do that. Well the other morning I had enough. Son of gun was driving so fast I tracked him down onto I95 about .2 miles from another county. He rolled down his window and I just smiled....
You know I do not give a crap if you are a hugger, do not attempt to hung me and do not persist in your attempt just because you are a hugger, do not touch me.
In all seriousness when you get that person who insists on hugging how much do you have to put up with before you can say you may be a hugger but I am a puncher.
You have to beat them at their own game. When the guy hugs you.. lean in for a kiss. Tell him your French, kiss each cheek and then tell him you're southern French and slip him some tongue. He will never hug you again.
Facebook, how the hell would they know a request was made by someone I did not know? I haven't declined or deleted a friend request lately.so is a pending my approval request a fake account of someone using a name I do know? Facebook is some shady chit, every year new snooping and prying accusations/charges come against them. Yet, we openly and willingly give them everything. I have a lot of family on mine that I keep up with that keeps me from deleting. Just made a post that I might be now, regret being talked into sogning up.
Funny thing is I never complained, i just pointed out there's no reason to get your panties in a bunch when someone criticizes something that's not about you. If your wife isn't a bad teacher or the school she works at isn't crap it obviously wasn't about her. Ya know like I don't haveta defend my family because they aren't the problem. Or maybe they are, maybe your wife is I'm sure someone thinks so, but who cares. If you think everyone in life is gonna like you, you're in for a rough time. But to ignore or say there isnt a problem in the system is just dumb, you yourself are saying that by putting your kids in private schools. I'm guessing the reason for that is you feel they'll get more out of school there instead of public schools. Speaking of wasting bandwidth, you used up alot complaining, then apologizing because you're tired of ppl being upset about something that doesn't involve them despite doin that very thing. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This is pretty true. Was always crazy when I was down at Quantico. Luckily we were always in cabs so you just distracted yourself and hoped ya made it where you were goin ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk