So because I am not married to a teacher and don't have kids of my own I have no idea what I am talking about. How sanctimonious can one be? Of course indoctrination occurs in public schools; from both sides of the political spectrum. However, the only organized and nationally funded indoctrination comes exclusively from the Left. That is an irrefutable fact. Or if I am wrong- So the NEA website that shows they are partnering with BLM to promote "diversity training" is fake news. Gotcha 11 year olds who by your own words don't learn anything from their parents join Woke middle-school sponsored Diversity Clubs is fake news. Gotcha My personal experience with 40+ teachers in 2 states over the course of 13-odd years is fake news. Gotcha Personally being subjected to indoctrination by Progressives during my time in public schools means nothing and is fake news. Gotcha My interactions with my nieces and nephews (who range from 13-21) and the Prog/socialist drivel they sometimes bring home from school and regurgitate is fake news. Gotcha How about instead of melting down at the sight of a link that ends with ; actually go to the original linked source and read. Hell if you can't read, look at the screen shot I posted taken directly from the NEA website. "NEA partners with BLM" - I put said linked source right in the post. When developing my thoughts and opinions, I seek out opposing organizational viewpoints and source their own literature when "pontificating." I encourage people to do the same. I forgot some people can't handle facts that contradict their cognitive bias. My bad, apparently. Keep on melting, snowflake. Sincerely, The Lemming who reads CPUSA-affiliated websites. And Breitbart.
At some point people have to take a stand. I am somewhat neutral on this..... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This has been happening for years; it's nothing new. Citizens' arrest - hold for LEOs. Nothing to see here.
We already stated you're not a lemming, try and keep up The above is the most true statement you have made on this thread. How sanctimonious can I be? I have a few more levels to go. Melting down, no just calling out your BS.
I specifically and intentionally lead with that knowing you would instantly fixate on it and melt down; exposing your myopia to all who are not as obtuse as you. Since you can't refute the facts; you impugn and dismiss the source.
Have not watched even a highlight of basketball and prolly won’t. Flag kneelers and anti Trumpers and anti Americans. No thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Folks, a local school board doesn't necessarily care about national agendas from the left or right. More often than not, local schools and local teachers reflect the values of the community in which they serve, right down to hunting or church-going. Gracious, I've seen an AP's office with the fruit of the spirit stenciled on the walls for decoration! Gracious, there are school districts that close for the opening day of gun season and there are others that close the entire opening week. Don't believe all the hype about an educational conspiratorial brainwashing national movement. Their power is severely limited by local controls. And where I've worked and lived, those local controls are fairly conservative.
Umm.. the NBA has a strict rule on kneeling and a zero tolerance policy. I havent heard of any NBA players kneeling. I didnt even know that was a thing anymore. Then again, I'm not giving up my Thunder tickets even if they did kneel. Freedom is a two way street with an whole lotta intersections.
Yep, NBA got ahead of the curve so they wouldn’t have the down turn the NFL has had. Like I said, flag kneelers aplenty, just restrained from doing so, starting with LeBron James. Formerly a rock star down my way while with the Heat. Sux now. That’s all I prefer baseball ️. Go Yankees Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The NBA has had that rule for decades. They issued a memo reminding players of the rule. Steph Curry didnt want to visit the WH but who can blame him, it's not really like a feast of product endorsement fast food served to you by the POTUS is a real treat.
the local school board is (usually) elected and as such often does reflect the values of the community. However, the Teacher's Unions are exactly what I said they are- fronts for SJW/Socialist indoctrination organizations. From the North Carolina Association of Educator's website, click around for a couple minutes and see they are affiliated with and support BLM-this on their IG page: Lots of other examples but this was easy to find. From the Oklahoma Education Association webpage: "strategic planning around racial justice" All this information is taken directly from their own websites. So when your kid comes home with outlandish ideas; you know where they got it.
I was reading on that earlier before getting busy at work. I do not have a problem with it either as long as they are following the laws themselves. I would hope they are not firing warning shots or holding at gun point when not in immediate harm or fear of death. You cannot shoot someone, or at them, who is fleeing from you. I remember during the Michael Brown riots and beginning of the rise of BLM movement, armed militia members guarding businesses from looting and damage. I had no problem with that either as long as they were not vigilante and breaking laws in doing so.
Jason Whitlock was on Tucker the other night; was a good interview. Suggests team owners implement contracts that expressly prohibit players from having social media accounts since they are monetizing their personal popularity while at the same time hurting the team's branding. Like MJ once said when asked why he wasn't publicly politically active- "Republicans buy shoes, too" I used to be a rabid sports fan. I barely watch anymore. I liked sports and sports media because it was a place where someone like Germ and I could sit at a bar and talk about/have something in common. I may think he's a whatever and he may think I'm a whatever; but we could both find common ground in the knowledge that William Clay Ford was an asshat. Falling attendance and viewing rates indicate that sports are decreasing in popularity. Sure there are other factors, but I'm not going to support a team or player if they drag politics onto the field, diamond, court, or ice. The continued politicization of sports has ruined the feeling that a game was a political DMZ for the most part.
Dnoodles you are spending too much of your valuable time putting together things to fake rage about on this thread, no one here really cares about the mural that has been taken down. In the day to day life that is so far down the list it's well kind of funny. Yes I went into ass-hole mode with you, because the fake outrage is just too much anymore. At the end of the day 11-12 year olds want a mural that reflects who they are now, who am I or you to get in their business? It's their school and at the end of the day no one here gives a rat ass, we have to many other issues going on. Sorry for being a bit of an ass, I could have been nicer, but I come from generations of ass-holes, but that's our best quality.
I'm doing all this while sitting in a car getting paid so it's no skin off my sack. Can you at least agree with me that WCF was an asshat?