Even though it sounds unpatriotic to say, I think your right about the defense budget. We spend half a trillion a year on national defense, and even so, I hear our President, politicians and ex vets rag on our military all the time. They say that our navy has fallen to the wayside, and that our army is on the decline. Surely throwing more money at the issue isn't the answer. There is probably just as much corruption in our military when it comes to funds as there is in Washington D.C. I think it would be great if we could cut the wasteful spending and corrupt money out of that budget and spend our resources where they are actually needed. Edit: you could also think of it this way, perhaps those 12 other countries are 25 times better at spending their budget more effectively than us. So by spending 26 times more than them we are still on top
And for the record, yes I am a little bias or "sensitive" to anyone that wants to criticize or armchair quarterback this and that when it comes to education and teachers. I direct none of this at y'all, for the most part I know you guys are good bunch of fellas that mean well. I just get sick and tired of it here in Oklahoma and my enthusiasm for being pissed comes out.
Seems like in Minnesota when ever there is a budget crisis in a school district they want to cut teachers not the administrators in the district offices.
That is school districts everywhere, including in higher education. Too many captains and not enough sailors.
That is the way it is in many areas of government. And part of that is the over regulation of everything in America. Put a check mark here, put a check mark there....so many lawsuits. So much wasted money. The scope of our government needs to be reduced, majorly.
After a night with the toddler teething and being awake since 2 am with our oldest who is now terrified of thunderstorms after lightning hit our neighbor’s tree and partially dropped it on her house a couple of months ago, I spent the majority of my day working a booth at an Earth Day Fair... Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I went to school from roughly 82-1995. I went to 5 different elementary schools, 2 junior highs, and then 1 high school. 4 different public school systems across 2 states. In all that time, I would say I had maybe 5 really good teachers who really encouraged critical thinking of literature, historical analysis, or even attempted to make hard subjects like math and science interesting. Approximately 10 total decent ones? That's out of what, an easy 40 different teachers (on the low end) or so. Honestly, one of the best teachers I ever had was my 8th grade "Industrial Arts" (that's "shop") teacher, who taught us how to do everything from rebuilding engines to drafting to woodworking. All that stuff was worth learning and he made it interesting. So literally less than 1/4 of my teachers in my lifetime were worth a damn. The rest might as well have been tape recorded voices reading from a script. They were there to make sure we didn't beat the hell out of each other and to read us us stories from a book or put on some audio/visual "educational programming" in the background to distract us- they were there to watch us while our parents were at work and collect a check. Kind of like an overeducated, overpaid babysitter. As long as a certain percentage of us retained the material long enough to regurgitate it on the next standardized test they kept their jobs. Flush. rinse and repeat. But I digress. To be clear- I don't think that the profession of teaching is overpaid. I just think that many if not most teachers should not be in that profession. Especially ones who spend the day proselytizing SJW BS in place of knowledge, critical thinking, and real life skills. If you don't think that is happening and regularly so, you do not live in the real world. It is insane to me that we keep funding public schools when they are so obviously incompetent and even corrupt. I know that teacher's unions are hives of socialist and SJW infiltration organizations and could (and have) linked to their own websites to prove just that. It's not fake news if Breitbart reports on the NEA being affiliated with BLM when you open the NEA's website and see sure as $hit they are and openly, even proudly so. So again, the original question was what do public schools have to do with millennials and Gen Zers valuing diversity for diversity's sake over job knowledge, skills and ability when hiring. You have your answer- they were taught to value such a thing over the others by the current education system. The little 11 year old budding Brown Shirts in the "Diversity Club" who are apparently running the Oak Park School System prove my point.
So who do you talk to about a refund on all the taxes that go to a school district one pays if they don't have kids. If someones opinion doesn't matter if they don't have kids, their money shouldn't matter either. I would suggest to disassociate with criticism that's not directed at you or anyone close. If someone says a teacher or professor is bad at their job that doesn't mean every teacher is. Same with any profession. Alot of what dnoodles is saying isn't wrong, three ppl have commented saying how hard it is to find employees from the current pool of candidates that are fresh out of some type of school. There has to be a problem somewhere that's being taught to these kids either from home or school. So take you're pick. Same with social or political issues. Especially if we're talking about 10 or 11 year olds like how this all started. At end of day if it's that bad for you or someone close to be a teacher, sounds like you guys got the math worked out for success with daycares to fall back on. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Maybe around there you have that kinda tomfoolery socialist SJW infiltrators and such but we are on the opposite side of that spectrum. Idk man we dont have any diversity clubs here in Oklahoma. We do have 30+ student classrooms and some districts are down to four day weeks. No more shop, home economics, art or music classes. Those in power say if you want your child to be exposed to those electives you can go pay for those experiences. We do have Vocational training campuses and they do churn out a good worker for the most part. But to me 6th grade shop was the best class ever, learned that I needed a math set in order to do what I wanted and it was a turning point. I mean let's face it, the pooch is screwed. Instead of placing value on things like math and science we instead glorify ability and a bunch of other superficial crap, society as a whole that is. If we paid public service employees and scientists like we paid movie stars and professional athletes we would probably all have hover cars and live to be 200 by now. Then again I'm jaded, I was hoping to have my own Millennium Falcon by now instead I have to settle for a occasional glass of 40 year old scotch and daydreams.
1000% correct that public school administrators are sucking resources like ticks on an old hound. And more money doesn't always (rarely) equal better student performance https://www.illinoispolicy.org/illinois-spends-more-on-education-but-outcomes-lag/ https://www.illinoispolicy.org/illinois-spends-the-most-per-student-of-any-state-in-the-midwest/ https://wirepoints.org/illinois-education-officials-want-half-of-state-budget-for-k-12-education/ https://www.illinoispolicy.org/scho...-step-toward-much-needed-property-tax-relief/ Here's what some IL school administrators make and will make in pension...all funded via property taxes
. Not directed at you, just quoting as I was one of the ones speaking to the current pools entering the workforce. I was not directing mine towards the ability of a teacher to teach or how they go about it. Mine was about the system and how they have eliminated the skill/trade courses or shop classes if you will. They are not afforded the opportunity to delve into something to see what it's about. How many people are out there that took their first woods shop class in their freshman year and are now general contractors because it was something they found they enjoyed without risk of financial jeopardy to try it out. My other gripe was that parents do not hold their kids accountable. They live at home, a lot of times jobless, well into their 20's before finally being forced out and into the real world. They get out there and the easiest of jobs are too hard, and the jobs that pay the best are skilled in some fashion. I wish all the time I could go back to turning 18, I now realize how valuable the years from 18-26 are for setting yourself up in life. I didn't wake up until 2006 when I was 32 years old and 2 years into my current job. What I would do to have the previous 14 years back, but I also got a job in August of 1992 3 months after I graduated and have held a job in some fashion the remainder of the time. I left home at 19, partying and bars were my next 7 years in life working mostly in restaraunts working up to management. I then realized and with the help of my boss got a job that actually used my skill sets and could advance further. Got a job in an automtive repair shop amd became the head alignment tech and also doing other general repairs. Working on commission I was able to start building credit and actually becoming something. 3 1/2 years later I realized technology had passed me by without current schooling and not being in my youth I was no longer a contortionist that could work on vehicles built around an engine block Enter my current and possible final stage in life.
Watching these NBA players constantly cursing and talking trash to the refs. Every possession. Looks like some of these guys need some techs to shut their mouths. Huge turnoff to watch these guys cry wolf all game. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Have at it, but please make sure those kids don't have to pay for SS, medicare, roads, etc, anything you use that they don't. I realize lemmings can't look forward, they can only see 2''' in front of their face. Your last comment just shows you can't argue the point. Thanks for agreeing with me.
The point being is we’re helping fund it so we do have a say, whether we have kids or not. Dont want our 2 cents on it, then give back the taxes we paid into it and we’ll shut up(well at least I will). I dont mind helping fund the schools for Americans, however I do mind coughing up for illegals.
The point is you, Dnoodles and jrk have no utter clue what the hell you are talking about, what you have is sound bites and fake news links. Get off your asses and take a look at what is really going on, and to do so, one will have to go into a school, actually teach a class. Or just keeping BS on message boards. EDIT I forgot Dnoodles met some kids in college also who were education majors, I want to be fair
Right, right.. let's not forget Okiebob grew up rich in spirit and hard work but that's about all. I never went hungry but I also never went to long without hard work and a strap across my back. And yeah, I am a a$$hole that just put in a bid on a 1988 Porsche 959 S. But still I'm just 1% of the 99%.