Daycare does not equal babysitter. And you could not pay me enough to sit in a room with 25 kids 8hrs/day for 182 days. I'd eat my gun. I've never said being a teacher is easy. BECOMING one is compared to a lot of other 4 year degrees. And it's what a lot of them do (or don't do) once they are teachers that is disturbing.
@Germ I see you would rather dismiss/impugn the questioner than answer the question. Where do 11 year olds in a perfectly blended school get the ideas to A) Form a "Diversity Club" and B) Members of said club decide that the historically accurate pictorial representation of their neighborhood is "offensive" especially when by your own admission parents suck and don't teach their kids anything? I'll answer it since you won't - by process of elimination, their public school teachers.
The Minnesota teachers union in Minnesota is staunch Democrat/Liberal/Progressive or what ever new name they want to be called. There is no doubt of liberal bias in Minnesota schools.
I hear ya, raised on the electronics where when something fails you just reset and put in a new cheat code and start again. I don't even mind training someone without known skill, it sometimes makes it easier as they do not have bad habits to break or "the way we did it at xxxx". Just give me someone with common sense and self pride in what they do. I didn't go to school after graduating highschool. I was mechanically inclined my whole life from getting magnets out of old speakers to taking the brake shoes out of the rear tire of a huffy attempting a cheap freewheel. Took all the shop classes in school and attended 2 years of vacational school during Junior and Senior years in highschool. I have always worked on and repaired my own vehicles and home repairs. I'm now making more and doing better in life than 70% of my graduating class who I thought were the cream of the crop will be rich do gooders. I'm more amazed at hiw many of them are no longer living and the ones who are turned into junkies or just flat out didn't make anything of themselves. I don't go to the reunions, mainly because in high school I was supposed to be one of the latters I mentioned and am actually a bit ashamed of the teen I was. July will mark my 15th year at my current job and unless I can bring myself to get out of this state or they go belly up, will probably be here another 20. As a kid I had government cheese, powdered milk, free meal or reduced price lunch program in school, I know what foodstamps are and I hope to hell I'll never have to deal with any of them again. I have too much self pride to even think about returning to such a level again. That is a big part of what is wrong with the coming generations, not enough self pride and common sense.
Fine what are you going to pay a babysitter? 10 and hour? Hell let's make in 8.25 an hour(min wage) Will go 7 hours at 8.25 an hour which = 57.75 for one kid On average will go 25 students so that's 1443.75 a day. For 182 days is $262,765.5 . Where do we sign up for that?
Last I checked. 10 an hour 8 hours a day for one kid at a baby sitter works out to $14560.00. No taxes. No daycare worker is in sole control of 25 kids btw. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
But a teacher is control of 25 kids, so I guess they should get more . You guys are awesome Now multiple your number by 25, because there are 25 kids in the class, more money thank you
Since the math does not workout in your favor I guess not, but I was not the one who compared them to an "over priced" baby sitter. I was just pointing out what BS that comment was, when you did simple math.
Same advice I give to anyone that complains that their job sucks, or they don't get paid enough, find a new job.
I was told by teachers when I was in school " you teach because you want to make a difference not for the money" Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Believe it or not I heard that from more than just one of my teachers Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My wife works at a school that has grades 3-5 and is in a small town. The cops get called to school no less than 5 times a week. Who the hell can work in that environment much less learn. The teachers spent most of their time dealing with EBD kids, or other kids that are damaged by their home life.
I used to live in supposedly one of the top 20 wealthiest counties in the US. Since the recession of 2006, the school system had battled to get its teachers paid correctly. We had the worst teacher to student ratios in the entire region. Building trailers. Teachers with 30 kids in their classes x 6 classes per day getting paid 65k a year even at their 15 year mark (I know this may seem like a lot, but the area is very expensive....65k is like 35 to 40k in many other areas). High schools with 2,000 to 3,000 students. Very high expectations from the parents. The teachers kept on going. This year, the teachers pushed back and the school board finally supported them. Largest teacher raise in the past decade. I am very happy for them. I worked as a special education teacher for 6 years to start my professional work life. Let me tell you, that was the toughest job I have ever worked. You better be on your A game or those kids would have eaten you alive.