Anyone here self employed? How bout we rant about finding help that actually want to work. Guess its not a new problem but when every person u talk to says the same thing we must have a problem. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Charles I have been tasked with mentoring an intern/student/summer employee. He is going to be working in marketing my job is to educate him on the products. I am sitting in the office the other day and I hear the kid walking thru the office stopping to talk to 4 people for about 20 minutes. I waited till he was done and went to his shared office and explained that we need to stay on point and not mill around chatting it up, that is what break time was for. Swear to god the kid said I am going to school and my job will be to talk to people, I am just practicing in the office. He was serious.
The media is not news reporting anymore generally speaking. They’ve taken a position and report on what they can do to enhance that position even @ the risk of lying. I say allow the media to chat away. But, when requisitioned to reveal their “unnamed”, they must do so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not self employed but I've been having to train a lot of people the paste several years. We once had nearly 300 employees. Then back in 2012 had several layoffs and ultimately lost 90% of the workers. At the low point we were down to about 30 people and working 30 hour weeks for several months. Now, with manufacturing coming back and work picking up we have been expanding againx think we are back up to between 150-200 people. Each wave of new hires is worse than the last and getting younger. The younger they are the less they know or want to do. You can't find skilled labor anymore and teaching them anything is getting next to impossible. Schools aren't offering the same shop courses that they used to. The last trainee I had had never used a cordless drill before, didn't know what lefty lucy, righty tighty was and when we were setting the machine up to run a new part he literally said he didn't like this part of it and would rather just run production. They have been spoon fed and given everything to make their life easier rather than taught life skills or what labor is. They've literally been raised by electronics, be it google or X-box. It's sad really.
You guys need to find some farm kids, although they're probably not looking to do what you guys are doing.
They tend to do alright, but here we go through a temp agency for all new hires unless they searched them out or they have several years experience with CNC and manual set ups. Part of the problem is the influx of jobs available lets the skilled workforce be selective. Abother problem is I'm in IL and our skilled workers are also seeking greener pastures in other states at a high rate. The next generation doesn't realize robotics can replace a lot but their will always be certain jobs that have people doing them. Add in the fact of $15 an hour minimum wage, which has passed here, being pushed nationally and the numbers will only dwindle further. It's all the push for their intended result, socialism. Dependency on the government to take care of them and let them live in bliss without the need for accountability or self sustainment.
Raised two kids that had chores, cleaning stalls and pens, bringing in firewood, doing morning chores before eating, etc. We only lost one to the city, but he is still a good man.
apparently to some people, your real world example of the failure of public schools to prepare people for the real world where skill and abilities are valued more than diversity is BS.
So I guess when I post links to CPUSA-affiliated organizations where they expressly state their goal is to continue to infiltrate the US public school systems; that's BS. I guess it's BS that the NEA is a full-on Progressive propaganda machine. I guess this screen grab from the NEA's website depicting their association with domestic terror group BLM and their commitment to diversity indoctrination training (the EXACT TOPIC of my original post) is complete BS as well: Lastly, none of the full time babysitters I've ever known get healthcare, pensions, 401ks (403b or whatever) and summers off; but I guess that's BS too.
Well yours is BS, how many teachers have you actual interviewed? Not the handful you met in college, but actual certified teachers? How many times have you met with a teacher for a student evaluation for your kid? Anyone can post links from fake news sites and pontificate on what they want you to believe. Actual go sit in a class in an inner city, rural and burbs so you can see the differences and challenges for each group. Go teach a class where the majority kids come to school hungry, let us know how your "critical" thinking works out. cls74 is spot on btw, because we have the data to show why. We have eliminated shop classes, skill trades and we just don't have enough makers these days. Yeah I agree with cls74.
Teachers don't get Pensions any more here in MI, the last group here started in 1997. Do some simple math of what day cares get. Take out the summers and it's not even close.
What I am seeing is young people that cannot think through problems. And they also do not care to make their supervisors happy nor do they want to be the best. Even college athletes that transition over to my line of work do not want to be competitive and go out there and get after it. Year after year of being rated an average employee does not effect them at all. And they don't want to be a hero. I wish I could create and present a class simply on the subject of being competitive and not being embarrassed to be a hero. They didn't play cops and robbers like us, they didn't dream of making the big play in sports to win the game, putting the bad guy away after a long foot pursuit into the darkness. They don't dream in color. I would rather take a guy that has had some problems in the past, values their job and can think their way out of problems, overcomes hurdles along the way and deals with some peer pressure. I could go on and on about this stuff. But I guess it is just a sign of the times.
Daycare is 42.00 a day average for one kid. 25 kids per class 182 days. That is $191,000 for 182 days, so please pay my wife "baby sitter" money i'll quit my job right now
We hire CS majors, so must of what I see is the exact opposite, but again it's my world and a small sample size of what I see.
As you can see I posted links from the actual organizations coupled with links to non-Fake News websites. All the alternative media does is take what the organizations actually say they are doing and report on it. The CTU is full-on Communist. Hate the source all you want but facts is facts. As far as knowing teachers and all that- I don't have kids. I just have to deal with the Idiocracy. I have a friend (actually my wife's) who is a public school teacher in the CPS system. The"parents" by and large are awful. Trust me, they are incapable of teaching kids anything and have completely abdicated their parental responsibilities. So again I ask- where did the kids learn to act this way? The idea to tear down 80 year old murals wasn't taught at home.