What's the story on this anyhow? My wife asked me this a couple day ago and i've wondered too. Damn annoying.
I have no clue truthfully, just seeing meme after meme on facebook and they get stupider and stupider. Guessing someone, somewhere ran out of tide pods.
Hey man, you asked what school had to do with a generation (or 2) of people who value diversity over ability and I just laid it out. This crap doesn't come from the home. Or didn't until it was taught to them and they started passing it on to their kids. But who taught it to those parents? Public schooling. Where did those teachers "learn" this garbage? State universities. So again, 2+ generations of this garbage and it started in public universities and then seeped into the public school systems - via dimwitted teachers who aren't really capable of doing much else. You get no argument from me regarding stupid people raising stupid kids. But that's what comes from multiple generations of cradle to grave entitlements and government interference. Darwin used to take care of that crap. Now we subsidize it. And just seems a lot of those stupid kids (should they be capable of getting a degree,) go on to be public school teachers. They can't handle real majors. Just repeat whatever is drilled into them to the next generation of mush heads. Do I think there are still some good teachers out there, and do I think those good teachers should be paid well? Yes and yes. Do I think the vast majority of public school teachers are really just overpaid babysitters? YES. Would I be much more willing to pay private schools $20,000 per year tuition to have good teachers vs. $5k, 10k or 20k/yr in property tax to subsidize substandard public schools where "diversity" is valued over knowledge, critical thinking, and ability? HELL YES!
Had one couple weeks ago go from Columbus, OH to Kansas city, mo to St louis, mo to local post office then my house. Sad thing was depending on what highway they went on from Columbus to KC they may have went 10 miles from my house haha. Shipping is great these days Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm salty I didn't draw an elk tag in NM... #firstworldproblems Ok now about 3 more hours of work and I can get some sleep....
I am to the point to where I seriously believe we need to start a movement to repeal the freedom of the Press. Just as the movement to remove the 2nd amendment is popular, I would love to see a counter measure made for it. I'm speaking for both sides of the political forum. It's corruption by opinion, and that opinion is based on the billionaire who owns the station/identity of said Press release media. The "media" is the "NRA" of "Free Press"
all that Old Media is dying on its own; killed by the free market and innovation. No government intervention needed. Now Big Tech, on the other hand...
Complete BS. Actually if you did the math, just to baby sit kids pays more than teaching. I'll end with this, you are just full of **** here.
So sick of the Democrats complaining about a press conference being held before the release of the Mueller report. And OMG they are briefing the Trump team on some of it as well. After the bullcrap they pulled forcing the ACA through, and that wretched wench Pelosi spewing out "We have to pass it to see what's in it", I hope Barr redacted everything but Democratic wrong doings. They are the biggest group of hypocrites this nation has ever seen. Maybe old Chucky can muster up some crocodile tears on how congress not being able to cherry pick their own talking points is unamerican and downright mean. Really wish someone would turn one of their little pressers into an explain how the ACA was passed and your actions on it. Every time, make it as redundant as their partisan burn him at the stake agenda.