I at first glance looked at reparations as reverse discrimination. I feel different now. I’m a staunch Trump supporter BTW for those who might not know. I’m ok with reparations, with qualifiers. You want money ? Good. God will make and provide more. No problem. We give reparations, and btw, my family had no part in slavery. They were in Italy until 1922 smashing grapes and making wine. But I’ll pay up. But the qualifiers ? Yes , qualifiers. Reparations make all people on a level ground. Do away with affirmative action. No more classification of skin such as , white American, Black American, Brown American, Red or Yellow Americans. We are equal, now we all are simply Americans, male and female, like God designed. Each person now makes their way in life and no more crying out racism because reparations have made everyone whole. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I get where you're going conceptually; but essentially you're agreeing to pay a ransom. You're agreeing to paying a noisy mob whom you and yours have never harmed to go away and leave you alone. You would be consenting to and thereby implicitly giving credence to the premise of your white privilege. So what's to stop the extortionist from demanding additional payments in the future? The only answer is to consistently resist this garbage. Despite the sins of our past, the USA is one of if not the best place for a person of African descent to live in the world. More freedom, more opportunity, more upward mobility. In fact, the main thing the USA needs to apologize for in regards to the treatment of blacks is the absolute destruction of the black family by the same type of government policies that so-called "reparations" represent...brought to you by the Democrat party. I would argue that those policies are more insidious than slavery- slavery was mostly based on ignorance and monetary greed; the systemic destruction of the black family is 100% intentional and based in a desire of and for political power by educated elites- who know exactly what they're doing. The fact is that if a black person is born to a 2 parent household in the USA; their chances for success is nearly the same as any other race. Virtually identical. You want reparations? Restore the black family. Restore honor in paid labor. Allow being poor to be hard rather than subsidizing it.
The crowd at the Katy Perry concert booed Charles Barkley because he said the Timberwolves suck, he was telling the truth. There is a reason Minneapolis is called No Titletown.
As someone who has an adopted African-American sister, who has actually adopted from Africa, and spent 29 years living in a family of mixed ethnicity, I say this to you sir... For the reasons that you have accurately laid out, in 18 years of being of legal age to vote, I have never voted democrat...and mostly likely never will, without major changes to the party. Not that I am a staunch Republican by any means, not always thrilled with their candidates either, but that is a different story.
You are 1000% correct! But I’m sick and tired of race baiters bemoaning and corrupting others of colour who have “made it” financially in our capitalist country. My take is, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Racebaiters exist because it’s profitable for them in our capitalist free speech country. People are pulling back the layers of the onion on this reparations B.S. Apparently Obama’s family played a part in slavery from Kenya , Kamala Harris’ family owned slaves. Blah blah blah. I believe all men are created the same. I believe we who are citizens in the USA are all Americans, not derivatives of Americans based on skin colour. Skin colour has nothing to do with the person other than maybe a mindset. My opinion is to use reparations as a way to extinguish that mindset and start taking accountability for your misgivings in life instead of placing blame on skin colour. Affirmative action is racist and discriminatory. It disallows absolute choice over skin colour or sex. Think for a second. Instead of blowing money on healthcare, blow the money to give all families of American slaves from the 1860’s and completely bury the topic forever. Now they are no longer able to use the race bait, they are not referred to as black, brown, green or blue but as Americans. Now the anvil will drop. What you do from this point on is on you, not America and not tax payers such as myself who’s own roots place me and my family in a far away place thousands of miles away from America during slave time in America. But being I’m American, I’d pay that “reparations tax”. Even black people who immigrated here after 1865 should be made to pay too ! Only blacks whose families were actual slaves receive. We will also see the hypocrisy in that many of these race baiters come from being involved as slave traders and owners. Time to shut all their mouths up. If it takes money ? Money is easy in America. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you to all rude receptionists and customer service personnel. For teaching me the virtues of patience and restraint. Dog bless you all.
Pennsylvania moving the first day of Buck (rifle season) from the Monday after Thanksgiving to that Saturday. That weekend is sacred around where I live. Thanksgiving on Thursday, Friday you pack all your gear up and head to cabins or Friends houses for the weekend and drink some beers and get together. Saturday is for sighting in rifles and doing last minute stand adjustments or repairs. And Sunday for beer and football, and to just relax before the opener(since we STILL cannot hunt deer on Sundays, this move makes me even more irritated!!). Not gonna be the same anymore.
Johnny "John" Manziel. Seriously, just give it up. You are a joke for the NFL, that not only the Browns of all teams did not want, but couldn't handle it in other leagues either. He doesn't even deserve a spot on any network as an analyst.
Karisch noted that Border Patrol has apprehended more families illegally crossing the border in the first five months of fiscal 2019 than during all of fiscal 2018. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended more than 76,000 migrants across the border in February and said it was on track to apprehend more than 100,000 in March. In the Rio Grande Valley alone, Karisch said that at current pace, they would have more than 260,000 apprehensions in his sector by the end of fiscal 2019. There were 162,000 in RGV last year. He also said that his agents apprehend, on average, 1,000 people a day. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Read that earlier, sounds so manufactured It's even worse that the congressional Democrats don't even take Obama appointee's at their word. They are pathetic, and I hope they flood to their districts and wreak havoc their moreso than they already are. They want thwm they can have them, i say every illegal detained and released should be funneled directly to each one of their districts with ankle bracelets and strict monitoring. If they are caught anywhere else before their trial date they are immediately deported and any assylum claims vacated. Then when they start complaining about the over population and crime levels, we can call it manufactured crisis on them.
by your continuous usage of "u" in words such as "color/colour" and "favor/favour"; you sir have given yourself away- you're actually a Canadian spy. You can't fool us. Be Gone, Canuck!
. I noticed the same thing Sad part is I bet if he tried, not even put an effort into it, he could vote in 2020 if it's a Democrat vote.
sweet home, Chicago.... http://www.cwbchicago.com/2019/04/video-man-draws-gun-to-ward-off.html CWB, reporting the news others won't (Kim Fixx, etc) won't see this anywhere on mainstream media as it took place in one of the more hoitey-toitey tourist areas in the city...can't be having the truth spread, now can we? Temps are not even in the 70s yet and already there are flash mobs hitting the touristey areas. Not much of a gamble to predict this is going to be one of the bloodiest Chicago summers ever.
Man our country is in a real heap of crap these days. Peer pressure gone. Men behaving like men and whipping the young boys into men by being hard on them. Gosh darn animals of all skin colors running amuck and being disrespectful. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk