I like the way you think. I've been driving for 25 years. Never hit a deer. Had one bounce off my door once but that was him hitting me not vice versa. My wife has now hit 2 in 24 months. ....I'll just put this one in my back pocket. Save it for when I need it.
So I know my house is haunted now, we used to joke about it, that if you were home alone you could hear a sports channel like on a radio playing. This morning I woke up at 4:30 heard the pump on the koi stock tank kick out, did not think much of it got up fed the dogs had coffee and checked no breaker tripped went up to see if the GFCI on the breaker strip kicked out, nope the pump was unplugged. I know the back door was locked the key was not out for the house sitter and that pump was kicked out at 4:30 I heard it.
traveled the state from bottom to top (UP) and hit this damn deer in the center of the state less than 30 miles from where my family deer camp is. Also almost hit another deer about an hour later, an owl, and then what I'm pretty sure was a wolf just outside Sault Ste. Marie. Looked bigger than any coyote I've seen. I told my wife she was like Ace Ventura if Ace Ventura was a homicidal maniac.
Wife was out of town this weekend. Had to drive 700 miles on Sat and Sunday for aau basketball tournaments and travel soccer tournaments for my girls. I'm done. Done. I may not drive again for a week. Mother of hell. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Oh yeah, you'll miss it when they are done. Headed north of Detroit next weekend for AAU, what's great is we get killed.
I hear you man. She kicked her aau stuff into high gear this year. We will be in NC, GA, and Indiana among other spots. Wears a man out. Drinking a couple shots of low grade moonshine right now as a result. Lol! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yeah we won't meet up I am in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio this year for out of state games. We have a very talented team we are just undersize, it's amazing how big a 7th grader can be. One kid was 6'5'' and about 250 lbs. I told my son do not take a charge from him, lol.
And also written in this article.... "On the campaign trail, Booker has promoted a "baby bonds" proposal that would give each child a savings account, with money added annually based on a family's wealth -- touting a Columbia University study that concluded such a program would "dramatically reduce racial wealth inequality." Socialism seriously on the rise. There may be a time in my life where I refuse to pay my taxes. This stuff is beyond understanding. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yeah I don't get the whole reparations thing. I have heard it tossed around a lot lately and am totally confused as to why. However, I am smart enough to know that if I, a white guy, bring it up and ask why 154 years after the Civil War ended such a thing is warranted.. it's a total s**t show and somehow I'm a racist. But good luck with that Booker & Sanders, totally dumb. And that's coming from a Democrat.
Reparations are unjust. They penalize those of us who didn't own slaves and award damages to those who weren't slaves. It's robbery and wealth redistribution. I'm not a Fox news or Alex Jones guy in the slightest but this reeks of Marxist class scapegoating. As a platform for the democrat party, it's kryptonite, plutonium, lead paint chips, and the red scare actualized. Huge strategic mistake, politically speaking.
My wife and I just got involved with a good reparations debate. God Bless her liberal self. We battled and I said I disagree 100% with reparations, and she said she agreed 100% with reparations. We battled until we ran the kids out of the room. Then I said this. What if we redistributed all the wealth. And then what if we took a magic wand and erased the concept of racism/sexism from all human minds. She then began to stare at me. Then I said, then after 50 yrs what if all purple bisexual people were living well below the average socioeconomic level. Should the government then "fix" that too? Even after everyone had the same amount of money to begin and all notions of racism and sexism were eliminated from all human minds? No answer. Exactly honey, exactly. LOL. Now we are drinking wine and preparing to watch the National Championship game. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
we have been giving reparations in one form or another to First Americans for generations. How's that working out for them? National Democrats don't really believe reparations are necessary or just- they are scared of the inroads that DJT is making into the black community as a voting bloc. Petrified, in fact. This is a straight up vote ploy. Vote for us, we will give you money.
getting stuck at work for 11 hours straight...coming home to liquid dog crap all over the floor (multiple pools) which obviously happened just moments before... dogs were boarded at the kennel this weekend: I am sure he either picked up a bug or they fed him another dog's food. So I get home from working 11 hours and then instead of getting to make dinner and crack a beer I had to spend the next hour mopping up foul, and I mean FOUL liquid poop.