I remember when Richard Petty tested these waters in NC...it didn't go so well. https://www.greensboro.com/richard-...cle_9b367971-70ea-5a5a-97a6-af97a4975884.html
People young or o!d that ride your bumper because they don't like your speed. They are clueless as to the fact your not going to speed up BECAUSE they are riding your bumper..lol One day someone will go home with a grill in their radiator and a ticket for following at an unsafe distance
I don't really ask ppl to go how fast I'm goin I just ask they don't go 10-15 miles under speed limit. I don't even drive over speed limit majority of time so if they get pissed I'm on their bumper goin 55 in a 55 zone, tough. Usually just pass but even on the 2 lane "back" road I'm on most times can't just whip around everyone. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Why the F is the district attorney talking to anyone from the suspects side about the Smollett case? She should be thrown out of office with the quickness. She has been caught texting. Yeah texting family friends about a pending serious criminal case. Done. And if she isnt the people of Chicago allow this woman to do whatever the hell she wants. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Lol... If he won't dim his, I won't dim mine" CRASH! Burma Shave "Proper distance to him was bunk! Pulled him out of someones trunk" Burma shave
Soooo the wife is back home after a 6 month assignment and as much as we love each other it is taking some...time to adjust to living together again. This AM started fine, then we start talking about how we are going to level the basement floor and remodel...suffice to say it culminates with her saying "why do you have to be such a blanking know it all?!?! " to which I answered with immediate regret "I only seem like a know it all because you don't know what the F you're talking about!" One of those times that the reply is halfway out your mouth and you already know you're up crap creek but it's too late to stop. Needless to say I spent all day in the basement, grinding cracks and pulling tack strips and carpet staples by myself.
5 whiskies deep and I know now more than ever I was right. No, I don't need to build a leveling frame because self leveling cement...self levels.
I would love to able to tell my grand kids that Richard Petty bumped me out of his way!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
dnoodles, Lots of space,been there done that but ours was years. The home visits were GREAT, but when he finally finished the jobs and moved back, not so much! The kids and I had a routine he was like a bomb that went off. We made an agreement to just walk away when the waters roiled, as it were. BTW....40 yrs this Oct.
It sucks to be my age. It used to be that my wife and I spent a lot of our time going to graduations and weddings of our friend's children, now it seems like funerals take up our time. My wife's aunt, a good friend of mine his Dad is on his last days, my father in law is in the hospital does not look good. The part that scares me is that in the next 10 years I will be the elder.
Death is too scared of you at this time. Move along death, move along. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Well my friend's dad passed. I texted the news to another college friend and he called me to talk. He told me that he was sorry to tell me that he lost his dad at the end of last year. He never told me that his Dad was dying because I was the one friend that he could talk to that did not ask how his dad was doing. They knew his Dad was fatal there was nothing that could have prevented or preserved so there was only news of decline.
I don't go to funerals and I will not have a funeral. They are to toss my ashes into the woods were I could do some good. If I had anything to say to or about a friend or acquaintance I should have done so while they were alive. A life should be celebrated while a person is still breathing.
It's all in how you feel the story...or the parts you don't tell. Speaking of which, I'm 3 for 3 on Tommy John.
My daughter knows the exact oak tree to dump my ashes around it is in a place in the pasture where a drop of rain can travel 3 directions it is near my food plot no funeral no pity party.