so side by side on my iPhone news thread this AM are the following 2 stories: Article about a group of high school girls who were "objectified" and victimized by their male classmates' 'toxic masculinity' after it came to light that the boys had created and distributed a hot/not list and ranked the girls between a 5-9.4 (out of 10.) Of course the article included quotes from these girls that they were going to "be the generation that put a stop to the 'boys will be boys' culture"; one of the girls developed an eating disorder, blah blah blah. Going out on a limb here that none of the girls who are complaining rated better than a 7.5 Immediately next to this headline was an article titled "Hot Costco Dad Charms the Internet..." after his kid posted on social media about the dad's first trip to Costco and a bunch of Desperate Internet Housewives decided the guy was hot...or whatever. So the takeaway is....Men objectifying Women, Bad. Women objectifying Men, Good. Got it.
Something has got to become of this, this cannot be allowed to disappear and forgotten.
Very good article- In 2016 Soros funded a squad of DA/SA candidates all over the country, especially in red states. Check out the witch he helped take over in St Louis- she has created a do not serve list of specific cops and also ignored search warrants on her own office, with no consequences. Corrupt doesn't even begin to describe it. %1$s&share= %1$s
As I told someone last night. The Swamp is only now being exposed, things are going to be revealed on levels we only dreamed possible, but the Swamp is vast, and it is deep...
I see CPD released 61 pages of their case logs before a court interje ted and stopped any further releases. Time to take it federal, info was shared with the FBI so they were involved. Sad part is, the slimey libs will then turn it into a Trump DOJ racist withchunt.
Oh, based on reporting there is absolutely a federal investigation. Problem is at the beginning of the CPD investigation, Michelle O's former chief of staff wrote Foxx an email specifically requesting that the case be turned over to the Feebs; so who knows if the fix is in over there as well. I'd like to think not b/c I hear goods things about the Chicago FBI brass. I'm hoping that the Obama people didn't know it was a hoax and were only trying to intervene so that the case would actually be handled given that CPD only has about a 17% homicide clearance rate.
I was thinking more along the lines of Barr handing out n assignment. The mail fraud is still a serious issue, sending a fake white powder to himself. I hear others saying that the prosecutors screwed up by completely dropping everything and not having him plead down to lesser charges as Double Jeopardy protection is not in effect since he was never tried. Yeah, when Michelle's former COS said that it would be a big win to get the FBI heading the investigation something isn't right wirh that. Someone there is on a secondary payroll or owes a favor to someone. Only thing worse than a dirty cop, is a politically controlled dirty cop.
The Smollett case has done damage to race relations yet again. This case had a chance to galvanize the races in the spirit of justice. People of all colors were outraged over this hoax. A disgusting hoax. And all these Hollywood types responding by saying .."justice has been served" and "I knee he was innocent" know they are lying when they say it. Yet they say it anyway. They say it for political slants and money and that is disgusting. You could tell me right now that if I made a statement like that in support of Smollett and could keep my job, or say something to the contrary and lose my job...then I'd be jobless. I would never bring myself to lie like that for personal or political gain. We have some real crapheads out there. Liars with no morals. F them. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
All that info should be available under foia. I'd subpoena their emails and texts using their government issued cell phones as well. All incoming and outgoing calls. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Agreed- I'm sure the FOIA hit Foxx's desk before 5pm today. CWB is alllllllll over this story. They'd love to take some scalps.
what a gaslighting twat! she looks like Pepe the Frog, BTW.
Oh, you didn't know?? haha I'm 27, so I guess I qualify for "this generation"... but "this generation" makes me want that gun and one round that someone had mentioned a few pages back...
That makes me ILL. What a self centered, I'm holier than thou, I know what I am doing and the general public is subservient to my and our way of rule *****. "I'll decide whether or not true justice will be served, or whether a beckoning headcase with underlying mental health issues should be impeded by actions of his own doing." What a freaking sideshow this state continues to become, led by Chicago and the "Sitters on the Throne".
This case is much bigger than Jussie Smollett and his FAKE mental health issues. The DA needs to be called to the carpet. She is not a one woman show, dictating everything. Everyone has a boss. I'm hoping the good people of Chicago stand up and hold her accountable with a relentless barrage of public demonstrations, emails, and whatever they can muster. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Living within the state of Illinois, I've already come to grasps that nothing will become of this. I bemoan and bellyache the situations that arise, but ultimately it is always swept under the rug. I'm a subject under rule of the King "Madigan". I cannot rise up against on my own behest, so I await the masses to hear the calling. Yeah, we'll be subjects of the rulers for another lifetime.