This is not my beautiful life is something that ran thru my head thru the years. They had some damn fine songs. Fast forward to about 2:10. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Ugh, dealing with Directv every year. After 8 years with them they should damn well know I'm not going to pay an increased price. Never have, never will. They supposedly noted my account to calle before current rate expires and renew for an additional 12 months at current rate. We'll see.... Phone, Internet, and television companies are the only ones that compete with each other to see who can screw their customer base the worst.
Finally got to watch this, work changed the wifi password. The TonTon cracked me up 2 hour 10 minute mark for anyone that hasn't watched. It's not the pledge of allegiance at 2 minutes 10 seconds, which is ironic in its own right....
negative; the Expedition is mine w/ standard plates. While it would have made sense for it to cost $196 this time as a first time title/registration; not next year. Very confusing. Although I have to admit IL plate fees are actually pretty reasonable compared to say IN. Can't say that about much else, but plates are OK.
why the hell do web vendors have options to view 12/36/64/96 items per page (or 'all') when everyone wants to view 'all'??? Nobody wants to click/load 80 pages when they can just load all at once. Nobody is using 28k baud modems anymore.
I think somebody is thumbing their nose at straw bans and ordered straws with extra excessive packaging.
What the hell is going on in MLB players having walk up songs when they head for the batters box, do AL pitchers feel oppressed because they do not bat unless it is an interleague game so they have no walk up song.
Reading about the farmers in Nebraska and Iowa, wow Shehan, co-owner of Lusco Farms Rescue "It's flooded in places it's never flooded before." One farmer lost 700 hogs. Not sure if they can plant this year's crops. Let's hope we can get Americans to pay attention and help these farmers out.
That was fantastic. As good as Mike Lee was, his assistant was better, how the crap did she mostly keep a straight face?
Foxx is a cop-hating disgusting hag; but as purely corrupt and toxic the CCSAO is- these retards live in an alternate universe: Nowhere did the States Attorney claim that Smollett was innocent - just that he had "paid" his debt to the city (which means hanging out with Jesse Jackson for a weekend.) Guessing R. Kelly is on the phone with the Reverend right now. I hope the US Postal Inspectors and FBI are at the USAO obtaining a Federal court order this AM to unseal those state court records.