It's almost like their "leaders" coming out so outlandishly against Trump and for their true "agenda" that they feel invincible and maybe even protected or shielded from common law. I think we need to get a new federal prison opened up, hell, lets get Alcatraz back on the grid. Find them all, prosecute and send them to the same barred cells. Then open it up to the public as a Zoo like attraction. Them sitting in their cells, two way mirrors optional criteria, with a little placard stating their crime and time.
If you want to stretch the truth, or lie, make sure it starts at the base of the neck and exits the mouth.
The registration thing already happened- I just bought an Expedition and noticed on the registration; the renewal in 2020 will be $168 even though it only cost $102 to register it this year.
I hope not, that would be like implementation without implementation. Nothing has been passed nor signed yet, can you take a pic of such? If it is so, I'm willing to bet we can get some sort of conspiracy **** going legitamately. If they already have altered documents reflecting a yet to be passed bill/law, then intent and legitimacy come into serious question.
What a monster. Ha Another plus from all this is all the meme's coming out. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I stand corrected- it's even worse! (also, FWIW my wife pointed out it was $121 to register this year- as it was with all our vehicles. But the point remains the same - massive increase next year.)
Citizen. Thank you for purchasing a car and home. Now we are going to tax the hell out of you. Have a good day. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I know. Speaking about Nazis - who knows they were socialists (nationalistic one's), and openly bragged about being Leftist ? Plenty of Goebbels quotes to support that. I dislike the national socialists as much as I dislike the inter-national socialists. Like Stalin or Mao, who killed about 100 million alltogether. Both murderous systems where groomed and supported by banking, which ... . Well, you know. And the Bushes, of course. History is not black-and-white story, not good vs. eval. There is no untainted side.
I dont know all the facts. Maybe .01%....but this guy dropped the hammer. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
"Both murderous systems where groomed and supported by banking, which ... . Well, you know. " We know what? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Tax: a penalty applied to hard working members of society Welfare: a reward for being a refuse to work, lazy, piece of Schiff (not the case with all welfare users)
Both ideologies were groomed and supported by murderous ne'er do wells. Jews in banking being to blame is a national socialist and communist ugly stereotype. Plus, the jewish families in banking? For centuries that was one of the only professions in which they were allowed to practice due to discrimination. They made them do it to earn a living and them blamed them for doing so. I do agree that communism is just as evil. Most folks don't realize that Stalin deliberately starved to death 5.5 to 8 million people in two years. Or that Stalin and Hitler attacked Poland at the same time. While Hitler was conquering France and the low countries in '40, Stalin was gobbling up the Baltic states.
So I did know your little anti-Semitic take on the matter. Thanks for confirming. You sound like a KKK member. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk