Sota, I cannot stand any of them. I cannot stand Hollywood having had the access to the O'bama administration and then acting as agents of his social media dissemination agenda. In fact I can't stand much of Hollywood at all.
Flipping thru the channels on my direct TV channel 562 Dogtv. Stimulation Animals intended to be entertainment for dogs, yes a TV channel for dogs to watch. It is an hour long so in dog years it is like binge watching a series. I can't get the GD Twins spring training on my TV buts the dogs get a channel on the TV.
Listen that wasn't a personal attack on you it was pointing out that Democrats obviously do act like that. THOUGH, the big difference is they don't use sarcasm and apt, but rude names. They out and out call him treasonous, compare him to Hitler and a Nazi, change the term Nationalist from it's original meaning to one that fits their own bigoted views the list is very long. Where he is some times childishly petty, they are malignantly viscous. Your correct they do all have an agenda with one big glaring difference. The main stream media stopped producing actual news a long time ago, before Fox became relevant. I stopped watching news even locally many years ago because of it. The difference between Fox and the rest they actually often stick facts in with their opinion. Instead of trying to pass innuendo and opinion off as fact. Again your correct we all saw it happening BUT your wrong in the fact we needed someone just like Trump to expose it. It's obvious no one else was calling them out and putting a name to it.
I have the same issue with FoxSports Detroit- somehow I am in the blackout zone for everything but the Pistons (refuse to watch NBA) even though I am 3 states away and oh yeah also in a completely different market. That being said I get DogTv on Roku and am only partially ashamed to admit I put it on for my dogs when I am out running errands. They love it.
Our old wash machine bit the dust, the old washer had a wash setting that said normal, the new one does not have a normal setting, I am very concerned.
No much like dryer sheets takes away static cling I thought the normal washed clothes kept me normal.
My liberal father has damn near been jacking off over this story since it started. I should call him and see if he's ok.
It's almost as good as election night watching all the tears flowing while CNN is still tryin to find something that's not there. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Joy Bayhart....I wish I could get in her face and with a big smile say " Take that B---h! " I don't even watch the view, but that broad, yes I said broad tweaks me. I dislike her almost as much as Schumer.
There are few words that have fallen out of popular usage that I like and use more than "broad" (female reference.) Another one is * I don't care who you are attracted to, but is a special kind of behavior trait not always indicative of whose hand is down your pants. *That applies to both the G and F words that could be considered here.