Didn't call you a Democrat, but for 2 years we have listened to how the Mueller investigation/probe must be allowed to conclude unimpeded. Now that it has it is unacceptable based on the facts that no further indictments will be issued. So now for the next 6 years we must listen to the "once out of office" claims of what is to come. Never Trumpers will not accept, listen to or give up the search for anything to implicate Trump in something. It's tiring, I really hope this Mueller report finds more against the DNC and Obama's cabinet and opens up new investigations into the obvious corruption that ensued Trump's acceptance of the Republican nomination to run. I would love spending the next 6 years counting the indictments to ensue should that happen.
I don’t know what the Mueller report will say but Trump is a POS. I would much rather have other options from the Republican party than him for 2020. Understand...buttercup?
I am a Republican and can't stand to hear him speak. I really can't. His Twitter bs and his constant childlike responses just detract from the business at hand. If a Democrat acted like that (See AOC and others), we would never tolerate it and would hate their guts.
VS...you are my favorite guy on this forum. You always make thoughtful posts and are so even-keeled just telling things like they are. We could use more of that around here.
Won't be one, won't be one for the Democrats either. A one term promise from a 77 year old groper to a whacked out Texas socialist hacker. 2024 is the better focus. Seriously, what in this country is so bad that Trump has done? Division? Nope, that was an Obama thing that started back with Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and the Gray riots in Baltimore. The economy is up, jobs are up, trades are better for us than they have been for a long time. Once the border is buttoned up we can start bringing in immigrants the proper way to fill the surplus of jobs and continue growing as a nation. Yet we'd rather focus on the onslaught of illegals rushing to the border to take advantage of loose borders and weak laws allowing them to disappear into the fray awaiting their cour date. I don't like the way Trump carries himself a lot of the times either, but I guarantee we would be in a far worse position had Hillary won. Far worse. Most of the high profile Republicans are rhino's and the American people realize that. Smooth talkers and non committers are what has ruined the Republican party. Trump will win in 2020, and if somehow Biden does wi , that 4 years will be nothing but Trump campaigning for another run in 2024 as the Democrats implode while in control.
I agree, the media and others know that he will retort when confronted. That's been a downfall. Really wish he could understand the "ignore it and they go away" concept. Aside from that, he has not done anything, yet, that has truly hurt the country as far as policy and such. He's backed off some of the things he wanted, but at a cost of losing good ones like Mattis. The swamp runs deep, and he has had a lot of them within his own cabinet without realizing it. I can never root against a president outside of an election regardless of party.
My biggest beef with Trump is his foreign policy. The resignation letter from General Mattis pretty much says it all and the conflicts of interest regarding his businesses are obvious. Trump does what is best for the Trumps....not whats best for the USA. He has no idea what he is doing...does not consult with people he should be before making important decisions. I’m pretty much embarrassed for our country every time the man talks or tweets.
He's the perfect anti-hero. Hate to say it, but there is no place for a good man in the oval office any more. I'm reminded of the Team America ****s/a-holes/puddy speech. The Swamp would eat a good man alive in less than his first month on the job.
The fact that neither side likes about anything he does should tell ya he's not really that bad. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
What do you mean IF they acted like that? Where have you been for the last several years? So Trump acts the way he does. He's not going around the world apologizing for his country, He's finally telling the world "Excuse me, get your hand out of our pocket". He's not trying to start race wars with reteric that has been getting our police shot, and radicalizing our citizens. What I find funny is the reaction to his, what I call tweaking(as in flicking a foe hard on the nose). I don't do any on line social BS so I usually have no idea what he says on twitter unless quoted on the news. His tweaking in speeches is funny. They sound off handed but are so calculated and it works. He may sound petty and absurd but he's made the Democrats turn into a mob of crazed drooling idiots chasing their tails. He's exposed the media, the "swamp" all while being under constant attack. Khdos to him.
Based on the politicians that hate Trump, and the media hacks that hate Trump, he is doing something right.
Oh absolutely. The man could cure cancer and liberals/dems would complain. I mean the man is putting through a effort to drop persecution of gay people worldwide, and the loony lefties complained about it!!! The TDS is mind boggling.
You'll live. I lived through eight years of Clinton and another eight years under Obama. They embarrassed me. Formally recognizing Vietnam by Clinton and lead behind Obama made me angry enough to chew ten penny nails and spit out fencing.
I'm a former marine and I can tell you General Mattis can kiss my rear. He endured silently a whole lot of BS pentagon policy and foreign policy under several presidents that made me want to spew vomit farther than NFL QB's can throw a football. With all due respect to your own opinion, of course. Don't take this personally. My vitriol is directed at the former general, not you.
"If they acted like that". People know what that means. Where have I been living the last several years? America. Right near the capital of this country, dealing with things in my professional and personnel life that are tough. I don't have social media either. I never said his policies are horrible, just his delivery. The way he conducts himself stinks. The way he responds like a high school student, stinks. We all know about the media, it didn't take an enlightened Trump to expose it. All of us realize Fox News, CNN, Washington Post, all of them have an agenda.
How about the Hollywood liberals who feel the need to tell us how to vote, how to act etc bribe their kids way into a college and then deduct the bribes off their tax bill, hang them high.