I agree with you. Both parties are doing the same thing just in different ways. Fact is if the U.S. moved to popular vote and got rid of partisan gerrymandering we'd likely never see another republican in the white house in our lifetime and if you get rid of partisan gerrymandering republicans would be lucky to hold 150 seats in congress. Both parties know this, so both parties want to "fix" the system to benefit them.
Do we also deport every single illegal immigrant and remove dead voters from the registry before that is done? Wonder what the popular vote would have looked like. There is a reason Dems now want 16 and 17 uear olds to vote. They know that Trump's stance on border control and immigration will eventually hold up in the SCOTUS. How are they going to replace those lost votes via deportation and being turned back at the border? Lower the voting age obviously. There's a reason for the EC, small areas with high density populations controlling the entire national vote. Hell, you want that come to IL, we have exactly what you want. The Dems wanting to get rid of the EC, move to 21 SC justices, impose term limits on the justices to allow each president to nominate 3 per election and a l9t of other foolishness is no different than their absurd claims Trump will try to end term limits for the Presidency so he can remain. Seeing the Democratic ruled slums of the nation it is clear they are taking advantage of the weak and disadvantaged. Free doping stations, aide and rights to the illegals with sanctuary from liability of their actions. Now they want to brainwash the minds of the young as they have been parading them around the nation like puppets in their sideshow. Promising them free healthcare, free education, a monthly salary whether they want to work or not, lowering the voting age so they can express their desire to sit at home and play call of duty or whatever else their hearts desire. In their 16-17 years of existence they have endured enough and have been indoctrinated throughout their schooling to believe that. Here local students were given weekly homework to watch CNN every night so they could discuss the following day in school. What kind of crap is that? These "ideolologists" starting to campaign on these "promises" are so exposed to their extreme ways they now openly discuss it and praise it. They seek, create amd feed dependency to keep themselves in power.
I get why there is an EC. The voting age will never be lowered to 16. Ever. I don't care how many dems talk about it. It will never happen and you know it. Where do I sign up for this?
Part A) Correct- they have turned NY, IL, CA, and most New England states into an impenetrable fortress. Part B) I don't want the federal government deciding what is real and what is fake. You have your side of the aisle and I have mine, and you would freak the F out if DJT had that power as I would have if Obama had the same power. Justifiably so.
You think? Starting out from zero federal debt/deficit? Selling all their oil to the rest of the decrepit remnants of the US and the world w/o current federal red tape? All that agriculture? The Lefty states would have to wage a full out war for resources. And Brexit is a nightmare b/c the EU/GB Deep States just can't let it go. It's a nightmare on purpose. If the UK did a clean break, enter into FTAs with the US, Canada, and Asia, the EU would be dead w/in a year.
I wouldn't say never, or ever. The youth of today are being fed this garbage and they're believeing it. It may never happen in my lifetime(give or take 40-50 years if all goes well), but I could see drastic changes as they start taking control. They're planting the seeds, current 16-17 year olds will mostly be of age to vote next election regardless, so they are reaching out to them now and feeding the drivel. It is scarey to think where this country will be in 25 years.
Driving 289 miles to a site, repairing the issue only to get a call 350 in the opposite direction. 13 hrs on the 90.
If by 'gerrymandering' you mean state lines I guess I concede your point. But otherwise gerrymandering literally means nothing in presidential elections. Very little in Senate elections, for that matter. House seats potentially, I'll give you that
I'm on a plane to JAX. (I could end this rant there, but I'll continue) No less than 9 morbidly obese females in wheelchairs. All family, and their only disability is their self-induced inability to process insulin. Their nails look like they cost more than my plane ticket.
Yes, Look at what the current states depend on most states are in the 30% of their budget. States like Miss and LA are in the 40% range. North Dakota is about the only state that could survive with only 17%. As always there is a lot of talk from states, when their mouth is not on the tit of the federal government. Hell even Texas is in the 30% for reliance on Federal Government
Today's rant, my younger brother brought home some stupid electronic baby for a school assignment. He's gotta care for it and keep it from crying etc, its pissing me off. I told him I would take it outside and put a few arrows in it for him. He could take it to school and claim he was attacked by Injuns. Or abortion doctors from New York, take your pick. Next week he has to wear an empathy vest. So he would know how it feels to be pregnant.... And we wonder why today's men are a bunch of wimps.
Lol! He told me he would set the dang thing on fire, except it supposedly costs $1200.00 for the piece of crap. We are just gonna leave the thing outside tonight.