On behalf of the 'labor', thanks. I've been building with HFH for a very long time. Next build starts in couple weeks.
I really enjoy pitching in myself. It's fun to teach someone to roof, plus we get a lot of college volunteers so.. lol!
hah, no at her place. If I had done it in a public place with an audience I probably would have gotten 2-handed in the face for real.
I make one call on my birthday to my mother to wish her congrats on giving birth to me other than that leave me alone.
Losing three friends in one day makes everything else seem very trivial. So word to the wise, keep your heart healthy and never fly pos Israeli turbo props
interesting news day... 2020 Dem candidates are pretty much unanimous on the abolition of the Electoral College- which I have no doubt would lead to the secession of several states and likely a civil war part 2 of that- since such a Constitutional amendment would require 2/3 majority of the states and therefore is likely out of reach for many years, other states are voting to give all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote regardless of statewide results- negating the electoral college in practice and also disenfranchising their own state electorate. Why even have states at all? Libs literally want to end Federalism Dems are pretty much fully on board with 16 year olds and illegal aliens voting. That's Dem leadership. Not just fringey idiots like AOC Dems want to pack the SCOTUS assuming they win. Why not? Trump ought to just nominate 25 more SC justices tomorrow. Hell, an even 100 Reparations....yeah Dem Candidate Andrew Yang of 'universal income' fame wants to form a government task force to investigate and "punish" disseminators of "fake news". Ummm...Stazi much? lest I leave out Republicans: Trump wants to "investigate" SNL. I can't even begin to wrap my head around how stupid that sounds Devin Nunes who I otherwise generally like is suing Twitter for.....a bunch of vague accusations that singularly could have merit but so far has been so poorly explained he just sounds like a crybaby. Just make the case that they are a public utility and thereby deserved of regulation (bad idea as a Conservative but at least an arguable point) and/or move on And lest all bad news not be based in party politics: John Walker Lindh, who not only has not disavowed his terrorist sympathies but has by all accounts continued to advocate for jihad and Islamic supremacy from inside prison - is about to be released from prison. A free man. Unrepentant terrorist. And somehow having gained Irish citizenship WHILE in an American prison...Ireland is saying c'mon over. WTF? I mean goodbye and good riddance, but seriously?
Why do you think this would be the case ? Because they know if the U.S. moved to popular vote no republican would ever see the white house again? Depending on what he means by "punish" I agree with him. Any sort of jail time would be overkill obviously, but taking away, or shutting down whatever platform they are spreading their "news" from should absolutely be on the table in my opinion. I don't care what side it is coming from. It's dangerous and a lot of people these days are incredibly stupid and will believe anything they are told if they believe it's coming from a trusted source. Again, not talking about opinion pieces or anything, but people who are knowingly spreading fake news. The little p.o.s. Jacob Wohl is a perfect example. In an interview he was asked where he gets his facts from and he said he literally just makes it up, he will take something someone said and completely falsify it to mean something completely different. The next day his twitter and I think facebook were shut down. As they should have been.
Do you think Republicans have a corner on selfishness? They don't. Democrats want to change the rules of the game to ensure they never have to share executive power every eight years. And the same congressmen championing against the EC won't even discuss term limits for their own offices. Both parties suck animal genitalia.
Dems in Washington or Oregon (don't recall which) want to pass a law that would bar Trump from being on the ballot in the next election if he does not release his tax returns... There is no law that states a presidential candidate MUST release those returns. It has been the "norm" for about 40 years-not a law.
Let those states who want to go leave, with the exception of Texas all the other red sates can't operate without Government money. First thing they would have to do is raise taxes Look at Brexit, it's a peer nightmare.