Give VS a break. Those in his career field should be allowed to cuss...a lot. If they didn't, there would be a lot more civil suits. But generally, you are correct. There is no need to add a curse word in front of a verb. Ever. If you have to curse, say the curse word in front of a noun or even an adjective. But never a verb. Example: "I'm effing going to kick your teeth in" or "I'm going to kick your effing teeth in" The second example is much more effective than the first.
I tend not to curse at all in most places. But behind closed doors. It's on. Lol Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
In the right-leaning media? Or Blogosphere? There is a difference. His manifesto STATES his actions are for the purpose of creating anti-2A legislation in the US, ultimately leading to rebellion/Balkanization and eventual collapse of the USA. What's false flag about that? Or are they saying he was not actually a white supremacist? I have my own suspicions as I detailed earlier. His travel pattern is not that of a typical white supremacist. And much of his manifesto; as I said, could be straight out of a strategic paper generated by a mid-level KGB operative. Either way, whether he be an ethno-national socialist (Nazi) or a straight ethno-Communist (ie Maoist) he is definitely more Prog than Conservative.
The PM of NZ said "our gun laws will change." I am pretty sure this is where the PM of NZ want to go. All legally owned guns in NZ are registered. And documented (as to where the gun safe is in each residence with a gun.) What the PM of NZ ought to do is allow citizens to protect themselves with handguns- from what I have read NZ bans public handgun possession outside of sporting clubs. Handgun possession is even banned in the home. Plain and simple- self defense is not a right in NZ. I am with you on most of that but sorry to burst your bubble but only a very, very small percentage of anyone incarcerated at either the state or federal levels are there because of marijuana possession. Small percentage as in minute. Microscopic. And roughly estimating here; but those that are almost certainly plead down large scale trafficking to simple possession. But I will see your 7 beers and raise you 3. But only plea to 4.
I'm a cusser. Many times I make a resulution to myself to try n curb it but it never happens. I DO curb it around certain folks which means I CAN do it all the time but....?
did some more searching- it's not a "false flag"; it's false reporting (on the Left Wing/main stream media side.) The MFer says exactly what his actions are intended to do- then the LW "main stream" media goes and does his bidding. The Left is just plain sick. Hmmm...just a year ago he praised Pakistan and its people.
lowering the voting age to 16... pretty funny read: so yeah. Car insurance for a 16 year old is 3x as much as mine because they make stupid rash decisions. So it totally makes sense to allow them to vote. Totes.
I seen a t shirt once and cant remember the way it was worded but something to the effect the person needed a speed bump btween the brain and mouth. 99% of people can not surse around centian people ladys childern ect. Witch tells me they can stop altogether. Dnt worry i often think very awful things just dnt let them out unless i tell my wife or close friend Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I feel that if I can properly speak or type a sentence in English, then I damn sure have the right to throw in a cuss word if i want. If that makes me a bad person, then I don't care to be right.
My kids are raised I no longer need a filter I swear at will, I find poor spelling far more offensive than cursing.
Have I ever mentioned how much I want to kick the people that built my house? Yesterday I set out to change the faucets in the shower. I have to remove the trim so I can remove the paneling over the sheet rock, the idiots installed the trim and mop board before they tiled the bathroom floor and grouted the trim in place. Nothing in this house is straight and level and every project takes twice as long because underlying every thing is a charlie foxtrot.
A few rants 1.) Wind sock Gilibrand running for President..hey folks REMEMBER THIS, she ran as a pro gun democrat for congress beating the incumbent Republican. " 5 mins " after winning she got a "conscience " and reversed her stance. Not only bashing the NRA but decrying congress for not hitting gun control harder She was AGAINST rights for illegal aliens and now embraces illegals. IMO she is a down right liar, period 2.) O'Rourke where to start with this twit. " Beto" give me a stinking break! Here's a suggestion go to the "Urban dictionary" for a definition. Many there are the best fit for him. Gee be a criminal , thug, have deviant writings as a kid then stop taking your Ritalin as an adult and run for President. They should call him " jumping bean " O Rourke. 3.) Every one that just has to keep up the Concrete Wall BS and Mexico is paying for it. Who gives an F what its made out of as long as it does the job intended. BTW there are many ways things get "Payed" for so yes one way or another Mexico will be paying a "price" for the wall as they should!
Let me make you feel better. Our place they built 24" on center , Everything , so drywall sags, floors bounce and subfloor pops nails,not screwed. Pretty sure they had NO idea what a level or plumb bob were and they never ran buried electric through a line. So one day sparks flew out of the ground along drive followed by no electric and smoke. Turned the sand to glass. One day went to feed dogs, right in front of garage door there was a 18" diameter hole in the ground, a dry well they had filled in with back fill. Good thing it wasn't dark out at the time.I could go on but that should make you feel luckier for now
Considering I am living in a house I had every intention of tearing down when I bought the land I don't feel luckier.
I am in a similar situation. My next house will be built, not by me but so I can check in and double check stuff as it's going up. My current house is a blanking wreck. Speaking of, about to tear my entire basement out. So I have that to look forward to the next couple days.
After living in a historic home for years, we are currently building our first new home. I am the GC and QC. If something is done wrong I will only have myself to blame. That being said, the concrete work has been slow going and is frustrating to say the least. The basement/bunker has taken way longer then expected due to weather but being a contractor myself I half expected it. If all goes well we may be in the house by Christmas but realistically it will probably be next spring.