Lastly, how are the congresspeople (all Republicans) who voted to uphold the President's declaration "lemmings" when something north of 80% of Republican voters are in favor of the President's emergency declaration??? That's called representing your constituency. It's actually their duty. They work for us.
Idk why Democrats do this to themselves. Stop apologizing for stupid little things that don't need apologizing for. It makes you look weak to everyone except the f'n PC nazi police on the far left. He should of said " yeah it was an innocent joke that hurt nobody so get the f over it".
Smart men keep their heads and tongues in check in times of mass hysteria or even a real crisis. The media never does this. Please keep this in mind, no matter what you enjoy on cable TV or the web. These folks live on jerking our gherkins.
Exactly. Nobody is immune from a bad remark in their past. Not Trump, not the Clintons, not Al Sharpton, not Jesse Jackson, not BHO and definitely not me. People need to GTFOI.
These poor people's bodies aren't even cold yet and the media can't help but blame somebody. To be fair it's right wing media doing it as well, but it doesnt matter. How about finding solutions so this doesnt happen as often instead of seeing how fast one side can blame the other.
Unless you're talking far-far right blogosphere or something, I haven't seen any "right wing" media blame anyone but the shooter. Although I haven't read Newsmax/Alex Jones since the attack. But not your Daily Caller/Breitbart-type media or even Gateway Pundit has blamed anyone but the attacker(s). Well, maybe they are also blaming some of the underground dark web that profligates hate groups; but there's not much can be done about that and it does merit exposing and discussion. The only "right wing" reporting I have seen blaming anyone but the shooter is media on both sides of the spectrum reporting on that whack-job far right wing Australian Senator's comments; but the reporting itself was on the subject's own bias rather than misplaced blame. This shooter guy was something else...obviously a sociopath, but he was very calculated in his actions and deliberate in his intent. I have to wonder if in some of his reported travels to North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, etc if he wasn't radicalized or cultivated by foreign intel services somehow. Just seems very odd that a "white supremacist" would want to go to those type of places. His manifesto reads like a war games paper from the Soviet Union.
Firearm Registration Act: Democrats in Pennsylvania want everyone that owns guns to apply to have each of them registered with the State Police. Pay 10$ per gun, per year because they would have to be renewed. Also if you wanted to purchase or sell a gun, you would have apply to register with the State Police... Also, registered firearms would have to be kept unloaded or disassembled, or kept with a trigger lock or in a gun safe. Are you *&^%^&* kidding me?!?! In a different article I also saw that if you change employment you'd have to notify the state police within 30 days. Yeah, okay. What a joke.
Registration, then confiscation. Pretty easy to see where they are going. I hope we can put a stop to this! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Finding a solution is hard, pitting everyone against each other is better for ratings and it's easier. The fact that the general masses will take a talking heads word for anything really shows the decline of intelligence in this nation. Whomever it was that said you get all the news you need in the first couple of minutes if a broadcast the other day was spot on. And on a side note, Oklahoma is a fire at will state. I once fired a guy who would come to work every day and start spewing whatever Alex Jones told him the night before. Not because I think AJ is full of sheet, I know he is. But bc he would get other employees all worked up and productivity would got to pot.
Will never see the light of day and the bill would die on the floor, just pandering bs for constituents. I want to see reasonable legislation bc we do have a little bit of a problem but I want to see it aimed at those who do not follow current laws, aka criminals. I think it's going to take a very complex route of reducing prison populations of non-violent offenders, which is why I am all for the decriminalization of weed, and filling those empty cells with the ne'er do wells that belong there. Of course I think public hangings and chain-gangs should be reinstituted. So tired of sending a criminal to jail to make better connections and work out all day. I mean, highway construction ain't cheap yall but free prison labor is. Hell, I'd even go so far as to not lowering the speed limit through work zones. Anyway, it's been a day and I need a beer or seven..
People who cuss too much and for no reason. Tame your tongue. Ther is very seldom anything that needs cussin. We flipped a sprayer on its top and no need to cuss. Ther much things worse that need cussed. Furthermore its makes u a bettr person. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
And then there will be a public database letting everyone know which people and houses have guns. Straight dumb. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Pretty sure NYS and Mussolini,I mean Cuomo tried the samething. If I recall it was pretty much ignored.
Lol. I just find it funny that when u prople keep adding adjectives and making ridiculous things REALLY ridiculous and in reality it just the way things go Sent from my iPhone using Forums