My wife just had my lab's ACL redone...I don't want to even know what that cost, but I know the neutering would've been cheaper. ~Bill
I hate when you are in your vehicle following someone else in their vehicle and they throw their cigarette butt out their window. Isn't littering illegal in most states?
Try taking your kid for braces - took 2 hours to install them, then adjust them every month or so, $7100 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
people who let their little boy children cut their hair in Mohawks.. your kid looks like a little punk and you look like a bad parent..
People who: let their kids go to school in shorts when it 20F outside don't use turn signals/don't make right turns on red just sit there behind the guy who isn't responding to the green light without even a horn blow don't say thanks when you hold the door for them (when this is the case I say "you're welcome") think they're so important they need to talk on the phone while they're standing in front of the cashier at the store jog in the middle of the road/jog in shorts when it's 10F (I think they think their all that, they're smacked asses).
Yea, I've seen that a lot at Cabela's, it's like a camo party. Well, I've got that out of my system. lol
Today I drove around the burbs in my mom's lexus... Wearing a camo jacket over my rut junkie t-shirt. Bwahahaha!!
I have a good rant, going thru the chest freezer to make room for chickens next weekend, I found a pack of venison bacon on the bottom of the freezer, thought it was all long gone.
I HATE when you read a long, but interesting post, then notice that a location isn't mentioned. Then you look to the poster's profile and see a location isn't listed! A story loses much of it's effect when you don't know the location. Is it a big secret what state you're in?
Failing to properly clean said alarm and having it go off at 1:30am the next day... Followed by having to unwire an ac wired smoke detector at 2am... ~Bill