The head republican is for it and two years ago the republicans voted to raise it themselves. Where were you then? Michigan has kicked this can down the road(that don’t suck) for decades. At some point the infrastructure in this country will need to be fixed, what’s your plan to fix it? Where is the money coming from? The federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993. How else do we pay for roads? What’s your idea? I’ll say it again 3 years ago our republican gov and congress raised the gas tax here in Michigan, where were you to defend us? Also I would like to see what it cost for car repairs per Michigan resident vs the tax. I know I have replace rims , aliment and tires because of our roads. So let’s get all the information before we spout off. Give me some good ideas I meet with my congressman for breakfast talk about this on Friday.
Sounds like more toll roads are needed. I mean, we have them here in Oklahoma and they have payed for themselves multiple times over but we still pay for the convenience of smooth high speed roads and if you can't afford it then drive the bumpy back roads. I spend about $40 a month in toll fees so you can either add that into my gas tax or charge me at the gate, it all works out the same. And for those who do not use the roads as much will not pay as much bc they are not driving as much so they are using less gas and paying less of a tax.
In WI assembly republicans wanted a increase in the gas tax, but didn't pursue it all that hard because Walker said he would veto any increase in the gas tax. His idea was to instead borrow money to fix roads. Then they had the brilliant idea to cut the gas tax by almost 5 cents a gallon, but then apply a sales tax to gas of 12 cents a gallon. Then there's more of this. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Synder was correct he stated many times we simply don't invest enough in our infrastructure, but nobody would listen to him. Anyone have a better idea of how to pay for roads? To we make them all Toll roads ?
Pretty simple fix...lottery money....silly enough it was supposed to do it in the first place. Until the peice of sheet politicians got their hands on it.
Yeah the lottery was going to fix our educational funding here... Ten years later we are the lowest funded educational system in the US.
We could start by using money that is already collected for them to do so. So much money gets funneled elsewhere no one knows exactly how much money is there. In IL they rob from everything to fund a pension system that is going to collapse because they stole from that money to appropriate elsewhere. We haven't had a balanced budget in probably decades, we're nearly bankrupt and their only solution is to tax us out of the state. The only real way to solve it is to start from scratch, not to keep doing what they are doing and thinking more taxes will solve it. When you are spending billions more than you are bringing in, you need to cut spending not raise taxes on the already over taxed. Hawaii is Obama's home state, but a broke IL decides to pass an unbalanced budget with a Presidential Library in his honor. That should be an obvious cut and saves ha couple hundred million.
Lottery worked for IL for education funding. No wait, they stole from that tooamd became so broke they could not pay the big money lotto winners. Thwn they had to sell the lottery to a 3rd party. Big cities are Democrat controlledand ruin entire states. NY, CA and IL are all high tax states. Yet their are I believe 8 states that have no state income tax.
If its anything like IL first thing would be look where the money is actually going. They always raise taxes or fees paid to the state to "fix" certain things but the money never ends up there. Few years ago when IL didnt pass a budget listening to the hearings were ridiculous. Giving more to these states don't solve any problems when they can't even manage what they already have. Edit: ha waited too long to hit send, but look to cls's post. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The budgets are public information here in Michigan, anyone can look at it and see where the money goes.
I'm sure they are in all states, it's not the budget I am concerned with as I already know it is unbalanced. I would love to see how much money collected from A tax to fund A expenditure is actually not allocated to A. There is likely a borrow from A to supplement B, and them another borrow to supplememt C of which neither can sustain themselves. So now B and C both owe A $xx but neither B nor C ever has a surplus to repay and actually keep borrowing from A and probably others to sustain its out of control spending allowance. You can't stop an amputated arm from bleeding by pumping more blood into the femoral artery in the leg. Eventually you run out of blood
That I cannot tell you, I heard the number 8 somewhere when talking about progressive income tax and how it will never work.
That's simply not true. Look at Kansas and Oklahoma, both have been Republican controlled for years and they on their own accord single handedly ruined entire state economies. I dont think that a single party can ruin anything but a group of politicians and special interests can. Here in Oklahoma the powers that be will give anything the Oil and Gas overlords ask of them and at the cost of the citizen without even a second thought. Hence, our educational funding crisis and the lowest, by a longshot, Gross Production Tax on O&G in the entire US. and it's not just education, we've seen budget cuts all across the board.
I really cannot comment to OK amd KS, is OKC Democratically controlled? KC? Chicago, Detroit, too many in CA whole new ball of wax, NYC, Baltimore. Those big cities ruin the entire state and have been Democratically controlled forever. I really think they want to make things so bad that the people leaving the state will go to red states and vote for the same type of legislators they previously did and before you know it you have a nation in such disarray that socialism and big government is the only way to solve it. I'm 44 years old, I hate to even think of what this country will look like when I reach retirement age and what will become of the money I have in my 401k. It's sad when you cannot trust Government at any level anymore, add in these hissy fit millenials will be in control of things by the time we get there it is really a scarey thing. Raised by Apps and Memes, too lazy to work for anything and they know everything.
Apparently these weren't "shovel ready jobs" addressed under the Obama administration nor are they part of the interstate system?