So, some walls are good? check I agree that there was a pattern. A pattern of running at the mouth with no action from both sides. I think there is a message made when our leader actually shows up man to man. Or whatever gender they choose to identify as that day. Another wonderful liberal ideal that could actually end up allowing Donald to be our first woman President if one day he so chooses. But, I think a meeting in person definitely sends more of a message than just sending idle words. The Soviets originally helped N. Korea get their hands on the technology and materials for nuclear weapons. Any chance that their position was bolstered when Hillary allowed 20% of uranium to end up in Soviet hands while her foundation was loaded with cash? Any chance their position grew stronger while Obama's administration turned a blind eye? The entire situation has been handled poorly for decades.
Another rant; The Democrats bringing Cohen in to testify to Congress after already being found guilty of lying to Congress and being sentenced to prison. The guy never had a bad thing to say about Donald until he got caught cheating on taxes among other things. Why is he allowed to even speak in those chambers? Why are Democrats allowing this painfully obvious smear to go on when the only logical explanation is a deal for leniency on Cohen to give them something to run with? He already admitted that there was no collusion with Russia. They are so freaking desperate to get their train of lies, deceit, and corruption back on track that they have become blind to the fact that the curtain has been dropped and they are exposed for what they are and have been for generations.
Even in a small local court a person convicted of perjury isnt given one ounce of believability by anyone involved in a case. Judge to witness. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Didn't say you did. Please explain how "everyone" is just about you? Maybe you didn't but the statement is still not wrong. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Here is my rant. Even though I need a new truck I cant stop thinking about a Camaro. It's like the dark side of the force. Relentless. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This Cohen guy spoke with Democrats before his testimony. Coaxed. Coached. And he only spoke like this after being in deep trouble. Anyone with an IQ over 72 understands how fraudulent his testimony is on its face. But logic with American citizens is on the decline bc of the beloved victim status which automatically throws out logic and imposes a weird set of supernatural laws. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Collusion with the Democrats. Guarantee they were in frequent contact and he told thim what physical evidence he had. I'm also willing to bet they helped write up his opening statement and hand picked the items for him to submit as his evidence. His turn himself in time has already been pushed back 2 months. He's being promised something amd I would not be surprised if he doesn't serve a day in prison somehow, and not via a Trump pardon. He admits he was a Democrat, and he seems to still be one, and they trwat themselves special when it comes to the justice system. Hell, they let Jesse Jacksom Jr. And his wife serve their time separately as to not disrupt the family. Think they would afford us common folk the same luxury? There's crooks on bith sides of the aisle but Democrats seem to be the worst. Look at all the racism they are crying, yet the only ones I'm seeing come to light are by Democrats.
I actually like the new Camaro's, but fir the price I think I would have to get the real deal '68. My goal is to have a 68 in the next decade.
The only way for Cohen to possibly gain any leniency from the SDNY is to tell the truth. He likely will not get any of that just for testifying to Congress (I believe he was subpoenaed). Lying gets him into more trouble with SDNY. I would also point out his previous lies to Congress were to protect Trump, which he is obviously no longer doing. Much worse people than Cohen (mass murders) have testified before Congress and in Court. In those cases they want to see corroborating evidence which he appears to have for much of what he said. I didn’t notice many Republicans even trying to dispute much of what Cohen said about Trump either. Russia collusion or the Mueller Probe may be the least of Trump’s worries. The investigations by the SDNY into the Trump Organizations may uncover enough serious crime to put the entire family in legal jeopardy for years to come.
I've been looking at price of Camaro Ss with just 10k miles on them. Affordable. Also been looking at Ford Mustand Ecoboosts. Look great and get low 30s mpg. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
We don’t....but in time hopefully we will all find out what is true and what isn’t. You could also ask the same question about Trump?
On both sides of the aisle, there's some shady chit with the Clinton's and their foundation that could ultimately do everything to them you mentioned for Trump. From Rosenstein, Comey, Schultz, Paige, Strzok...... the lost is endless. Lets get to the bottom of the dossier too
Add in all of the mysterious deaths of people associated with the Clinton's or said to have dirt on them
Trump has been under investigation since 2016, and nothing has turned up. I'm not holding my breath that anything Cohen is now saying holds any truth. Other than him trying to get something taken off his own sentence. In other news, if there is any truth to this maybe she shoulda been cleaning this up instead or worrying about cow farts. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk