Uh, reminds me on the Benny Hill show, an inane British comedy series. Too s**ist, I guess. Or too intellectual ...
Benny Hill was pretty big over here too. At least a cult following, anyway. Nowadays he would be labeled a rapist and cast into the fire.
Oh watching some of the cartoons from the 30s-60s, liberals would have a meltdown if they saw some of these. Lol
Here we go again! As I've been saying for 40 years the Republicans just can not stop shooting themselves in the foot. Not 1 or 2, not 3 or 4 but 13 Republicans vote with Democrats opposing their president and the wall funding emergency declaration. Now they are either blind or just plain stupid! 1) In this vitriol climate and Democrats in power ,they can't see a need for party unity 2) The USA is in major power talks with Korea, and not only are Democrats undermining the USA's show of unity behind their leader,his own party is. This effects our NATION. 3) Their irrational fear of , The Democrats will do the same when they are in power, they may take our guns. Hey STUPID, the first comment out of Pelosis's mouth was to allude to exactly that! You didn't think it's been on their bucket list a while already? You schmucks played right into her hands, your all a danm embarrassment! 4) Go ahead and put up a Bill rescinding the Emergency act, Then see how many of these constitution saving incensed Democrats vote for it. Please, Republicans in these idiots districts run against them. Get their gutless butts out of office! Yes ,yes I'm beyond angry
BTW, I'm not on scocial media, so if any one wants to repost that please do. Well, correct any spelling or punctuation I missed first though...lol
Why I voted for populist Trump, and not the rank and file rinos. I mean yes a dem is worse, but sometimes these republicans are more purple than red. The only thing I lean left on is gay rights (not so much the tranny junk).
What I get is there is only 13 members in congress who are not lemmings, the rest are lemmings on both sides.
I use my own sanitary gell in an airport bathroom. I know for certain that my junk is cleaner than any surface in an airport bathroom.
Soft tyranny for the past few years, YouTube, PayPal, Patreon and others have defunded/de-platformed Conservative (and Libertarian) and traditional-value based businesses in accordance with a strategy first outlined by then-AG Eric Holder referred to as "Operation Choke Point" where the DOJ leaned heavily on big banks (who received bailout money) like B of A, JP Morgan Chase, etc to cease all financial relationships with "undesirable" companies/industries including; but not limited to; 2A advocacy groups, gun dealers, Tea Party groups; etc. This trend continues with Gov. Cuomo of New York attempting to force financial institutions to stop doing business with the NRA through government coercion. The scope of these strategies and tactics has exploded since the election of Trump. Government coercion is not enough. It is also not enough to focus solely on "undesirable" businesses- industry and corporate blacklists are not enough. Now, "undesirable" Individuals (including their personal accounts) are being defunded and having their accounts closed in an attempt to silence dissent and throttle the cash flow to anyone who dares to challenge political correctness, conventional media diatribes, or supports individual freedoms and most egregiously the current President. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019...ce-from-independent-and-conservative-figures/ See above link for a short list of JPM Chase' (very close relationship with Bezos/Amazon) recent financial blacklisting. Tactics in general: https://www.americanthinker.com/art...usiness_playing_second_amendment_censors.html What to do? Show them there are more of us than them. Move your money to credit unions. Stop using associated credit cards (use stored value cards instead.) Support your favorite online personalities/websites via their subscriptions/memberships. Are these titans of finance free to discriminate against those of us with differing politics? Sure. But we are also free to take our money and businesses elsewhere.
Yes a bow site, but bow hunters have guns too . Soooo.... If you didnt get the notice or haven't heard, Winchester is having a recall on 38 ammo. I can't link from this devise. I also couldn't find another spot suitable to post this.