I am not getting any of this winter that the rest of you are complaining about. I mowed my leaves yesterday in shorts because the south doesn't get winter. I WANT A REAL WINTER!
I'll think about you guys when I am in UP with no humidity and 72-75 degrees this July, if the black flies don't eat me
LOL. My Iowan cousin came to visit years ago one July. We took him to Alligator Adventure in nearby North Myrtle Beach. He was miserable even in the shade. He told me, "If I ever complain about an Iowa winter again, kick my azz."
I have been in Arkansas since 2004. I am still not used to it and am miserable from mid-May to mid-October; if I am lucky and summer is not longer.
don't be too envious- he'll be lucky not to get sucked dry by the vampire bugs up there. Horrific that time of year, especially if it's a wet May.
I'm used to it. Gold Bond is my friend. When working in the heat, change your shorts or pants when you can. Or wind up galled to hell and back and walking like Fred Sanford the next day.
This needs to hurry up and be made. I hope it is not some just some stupid mockery because it was Trump's idea. This show could be hilarious.
You must be going to the Lake Superior shoreline. Anywhere else in the UP and it will not be in the low 70's in July.
pretty sure it is real. They've been teasing if for a month or so. I just hope it's not a "let's beat the Bad Orange Man like a pinata for 30 minutes per episode" fest.
not really a rant; but if you haven't already watched tonight's first run of Tucker on Fox then please watch the 10CST re run or DVR and watch him later. Completely exposes the LW agenda for what it really is- which is to say a globalists' agenda.