Someone needs to help me understand this... Undocumented people should not be able to get a drivers license, they are undocumented. Why do they think it's acceptable that they should be entitled to a drivers license if they are undocumented. **** makes 0 sense to me.
Here's another head scratcher. Immigration law is federal. But federal education regulations forbid school workers from inquiring about a student's families immigration status. Catch can be fired and come under federal education investigations for obeying and helping enforce federal immigration law. I'm sure the rationale is don't victimize minors for their parents' actions, but it still seems contradictory and illogical.
A guy I know who used to be a cop in Myrtle Beach was working one Sunday morning, setting up a road block with other cops for a charity run route or something. He felt himself getting nudged and then shoved from behind while moving a sawhorse. Knocked him off his feet and onto the curb. It was a vehicle idling along with a passed out driver in the front seat. Once they got the vehicle stopped, the driver woke up, saw badges on several angry men and spoke the only English he knew: "No license, no insurance." True story.
What irritates me the most is if they don't have a license, I can about guarantee they don't have insurance. I'm not sure you can even get any without a license? That's what I want driving around is 95,000 (cant remember the exact number) people without insurance on the roads in MN, especially in the winter... edit: 95,000 are undocumented in MN, they don't all drive. This in itself is a whole new rant.
They passed that BS here in IL a couple years ago. I heard some of their talking points as it would help them get insurance, it would make sure they are properly tested before hitting the roadways. It is illegal to deny them a state issued ID if they are here illegally or to use it as a registry. Yet, to be a law abiding gun owner you have to jump through hoops and wait an extended period of time to obtain a FOID(Firearm Owner ID) card yo be able to possess or purchase firearms amd they would like to use that as a registry which they likely already do. They are also wanting to add additional requirements that will take the cost up at least 10× the current cost.
Like this Alabama mom in the news. Left a posh lifestyle here in America to go train with ISIS and plead for those still here to kill Americans. I don't care if your entire bloodline is Native American and not an iota of immigrant traces or you were born afar and granted US citizenship the legal way. If you leave America to train with a sworn enemy you have done nothing less of denouncing your citizenship. You should not be allowed back in this country to even stand trial, if you re enter anyway you should be tried for treason and put to death. Period. "I was brainwashed." Well, brainwashed once what happens if you relapse like an addict does? There is no way you can earn back that trust, enjoy your life abroad and might I suggest trying dandelion greens rather than grass.
So the father of the terroist is suing Trump and part of the argument that citizenship is a core right according to the constitution, isn't that rich. Wouldn't that logic apply directly to illegal immigration and border security?
And now a suit has been filed suing the Trump administration to let her back in. Bet it is filed in either the DC district or the 9th and not in her own. If they rule in her favor, while under appeal to SCOTUS meet them half way and send her to Guantanamo.
CNN website has a breaking news banner that Smollett has been removed from final 2 episodes. Was reported yesterday he returned to set after placing bail and was filming.
Maryland gives them out as well. Md also gives illegals in state college tuition costs while not giving those same costs to military dependents who have been in the state less than a year. This country is a crap hole right now. Wtf is going on? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Vermont, and Washington Those are the 12 states that allow DL for non-Residents(Illegal's.) Illinois, nice job Dnoodles
So here in northern VA we have people driving with MD licenses and living here. It is great. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My guess is we have some in Michigan from Illinois, I think we need a wall here in Michigan to keep all the rift raft out. BUILD the WALL!!!!
If you thought the last Presidential election was a crap show, wait for this one. I didnt think the stakes couldn't be any higher than the last one, but I was wrong. Its gonna be like wwe wrestling. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk