And like clockwork,to support my statement this just gets posted. This is what an attack looks like, and yet again it is the deranged left that carries it out. It will get slanted with the same lines, "Trump created this", "Trump is to blame". I'll say this, I cringe when Trump speaks at times and he's not exactly eloquent when he speaks but one thing that Trump did, is expose this. This is the direct result of our liberal schooling systems and their systematic teaching of what they deem acceptable and just. They no longer teach tolerance and compassion or just common decency and having morals anymore. They donate money to certain groups and disasters to proclaim how compassionate they are, and then when their true colors are finally shown for what they are they blame someone else. So they want me to believe that Trump, in 3 years(counting campaigning), has turned a civilized and tolerant left into frothing lunatics? Add in they want to take away our guns on top of that and and it starts to get scarey in all honesty.
Pissee I don't have skills to make something like this...never seen that before...ever Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Sometimes at night, when the snow is real heavy you can actually see better with just your parking lights. The bright light from headlights makes the snow worse. Sometimes.
What they're doing is no different than Southerners who defended suppression of civil rights in the South in the Jim Crow era. Violence would occur to enforce white supremacy and the perps would yell, "Outside agitators stirred all this's their fault." The similarity is eery. When the mob can dictate what's an acceptable right to assemble for Americans, that community is no longer part of America, but more like a banana republic.
Jussie Smollets family statement below....are we living in an alternate universe? "This is nothing new. These sort of scare tactics and domestic terrorism have been used by cowards for centuries in an effort to control, silence, and dampen the lives of marginalized peoples. Surviving is in JUSSIE’S BLOOD and his light nor that of our family’s shall be dimmed. Again, we shall do as we’ve been doing the best we know how: heal, continue building, and march forward in the name of accountability and righteousness ✊ ——————————————————————Official Statement from our family: “ In the early hours of Tuesday morning, our beloved son and brother, Jussie, was the victim of a violent and unprovoked attack. We want to be clear, this was a racial and homophobic hate crime. Jussie has told the police everything from the very beginning. His story has never changed, and we are hopeful they will find these men and bring them to justice. Our family thanks everyone for their prayers and the huge amount of love he has received. We are thankful to our village for your immense support during this trying time. We are so grateful that God saw him through this cowardly attack alive. Jussie is a warrior whose light cannot be dimmed. We want people to understand these targeted hate crimes are happening to our sisters, brothers and our gender non-conforming siblings, many who reside within the intersection of multiple identities, on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily basis all across our country. Oftentimes ending fatally, these are inhumane acts of domestic terrorism and they should be treated as such. They will continue to occur until we hold each other accountable. Make no mistake, words matter. Hateful words lead to hateful actions. Radical love is the only solution, but passivity will be our downfall. We, as a family, will continue to work for love, equity and justice until it reigns supreme in our nation and all over the world. With love & gratitude, The Smollett Family”
to be fair to West Virginians; I have actually only seen this in Indiana. But then my post wouldn't have been ironic and therefore not funny.
Why the Hell is Garry McCarthy on fox news? He is the biggest opponent of gun rights there is, unless it is his own. Research the bastard, he is by no means even somewhat conservative. All about the money, and that fricking snake it nothing more than that term. A snake
Minnesota wants to give undocumented people drivers license because it's just not fair. What are the odds that these people will have insurance? Probably not fair that they have to follow that law too.
What is with our politicians that seem more interested in taking care of anyone that can sneak over our border than the actual citizen tax payers?
They should line up shipping containers that are disguised as the DMV with a sign above each one denoting which nationality of illegal should use which, once they walk in (through the one way door) and they are full simply shut the door load it onto a truck and drive it to where they came from.
I have to laugh at some of the news stories about the recycling crises, lamenting that recyclable material is being burned in Waste To Energy incinerators and this is offensive to them rather than putting it on a boat and then China burns it uncleanly.