So I was excited as heck when my son said he wants to bow hunt, I just bought a bow for him. I called him to tell him his bow was on the way, I asked him when he planned on hunting. He gets married September 28th so the idea of him hunting opening weekend is out of the question as is the next weekend so September is off the calendar. Then he tells me that they are pack packing Europe for 3 weeks for their honeymoon that pretty much kills most of October. The prep and target practice not sure he will be ready to hunt this year.
maybe try to shoot a lot with him over the summer? 3d shoots and stuff? He may catch the bug and decide to make hunting a priority. Worse case scenario you get to spend more time with your son over the summer. I think my wife likes 3D shooting and spending time outside with me more than she does hunting. In fact I know she does. She likes the competition.
Ha, do you think you have the lower lowlives over there ??? We imported millions recently that don't even speak the country's language (on top of mentioned qualifications), and equally seek control ...
So Smollett staged a fake hate crime to dispute his salary. Get ready America, this generation and the next is slowly taking control. A bunch of self saturated adolescents in their 20's. The cry for 16-20 year olds to earn $15 an hour as they can no longer afford to live rent free in their parents basements.
Jussie needs some jail time for this crap. Awful. And I'm happy to see folks from the left calling him out on his lying. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I know you guys have it bad. Our media tries to play down your migrant problems. As well as our illegal immigration problems.
And the worlds biggest moron goes to.....this guy! He is getting his car washed and he is out telling the workers they suck...and is actually cleaning his own car....and he already paid them to clean it! This is priceless. Myself and the register lady are in tears laughing at this bozo. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Civics lesson: Representative Republic, not representative democracy. Officially, we are the Republic of the United States.
I figured out the remedy for the snowmobile issue at the end of my driveway. The slippery snow is a safety hazard so the last 20 yards of my drive way I am going to salt the hell out of it so it is down to bare gravel and add calcium carbonate to make sure it stays down to bare gravel.
This is sickening, and probably a lot more out there as well. People wonder why skepticism runs so high when certain "stories/events" come to light. It's almost as if the presumption of innocense is being purposely targeted. Sadly a lot of it is stemming from the extreme left and its coming back to bite them in a big way. From Hollywood to the chambers of Congress, they are truly showing who the bigoted really are. They are so incensed to prove otherwise they are exposing themselves at a tremendously deep level.