Visibility is about 200 yd and people are still not using their headlights during a wicked snow storm Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
So a few hundred rats, nearly 50 years ago on a 12 acre island are now extinct and it couldn't be a natural occurence? Sounds like another politically driven narrative to me.
I'll never understand it with today's cars. I leave for work at 5:35am every day, it amazes me how many people drive with their lights off. How they cannot notice it themselves is beyond me. Parked car, nope it's moving and I always mutter "dumb mother effer" as they pass. Even worse when they don't use turn signals in conjunction. I can understand days long past when if you didn't shut your headlights off your battery was dead, but 95% of today's vehicles have relayed lights that automatically shut themselves off. I haven't turned my headlights off in the 4 1/2 years of having my truck.
I thought I was jaded and cyclical when I did a google search to see if the blind guy in the Suburu commercial was really blind, but when it auto filled after typing in is the blind guy, I realized I am by far not the only one that wondered.
What do I win/ earn? And with super secret squirrel add on technology it can be converted for water drops or concrete pours.
The better half has been home sick since Thursday. With the weather being nasty I've had little escape space. Retirement isnt too far off for him. I'm thinking it's time to start looking for nursing homes.
So Jussie Smollet being officially named a suspect. The Grand Jury is now deciding whether to issue a True Bill(likely) and bring him to official charges. Anyone want to bet the "usual media" now try to spin it to not what he did, but how Trump has caused all of this and Jussie is a victim. It won't be about what he did, but that it "could possibly" happen and he brought "it" to light. The diversion tactics of the liberal media and ruling class is comical. Wonder if they can connect all of this to those fake mail bombs sent to CNN and other liberal elites. Soros anyone?
One connection Jussie Smollett and George Soros do have is that their names are incredibly difficult to pronounce for anyone with a lisp.
So they have filed class 4 felony charges against him, they have receipt from the hardware store where the paod brothers bought the rope and now newly released surveilance footage showing the brothers buying the masks amd red hats You cannot make this stuff up, I mean seriously, I doubt Smollet is/was hurting financially, is this the best someone could come up with? It should have really jumped out as fake when BLM did not come onto scene. I'm guessing they are still relevant? Seems BLM and antifa have both kinda faded away for the time being. I mean, they were the root cause of 99% of violent clashes disguised as protests and counter-protests. I hope Barr gets the DOJ investigating a lot of things since it seems the Mueller report is finally coming to a close. Time to highlight the clogs in the pipes and drain the swamp.
that's not all he's facing- FBI and USPS are looking at him for mail fraud and terrorist threats. Plus false statements. He's screwed. The whole thing served 2 purposes for him- gets to incite hate against MAGA and play the victim; and was supposed to be a lot of press as his debut album was supposed to drop next month. Oops. As far as's been very cold here since the story dropped. Too cold to be out in them streets, son.