As a supporter of Trump, or anyone who isn't an insane liberal clown, it does get kind of old how every single day brings up a new story of "hate" or "racist" or whatever the newest thing is... And having to watch conservative people have to constantly defend themselves against a narrative that I don't believe to be actual. I honestly believe that if the far left didn't constantly make up new stories, or accusations every day they would literally imlode as their "agenda" would crumble from literally no foundation. My opinion.
Cancer is the fuc!ing worst. Lung cancer especially. Watched my dad battle it for quite some time. He was too stubborn to go to the doctor (he never went until a week before he passed, said he didn't want to have us kids worry about it). Had to watch for over a year as the cancer took over his body. Disgusting disease. Will be praying for your friend.
And here I was thinking that 4.5 hrs round trip for 15 minutes was bad. I really feel bad for you guys....
Trip to canada pushed back at the last minute, now I have time to get my quick trip into orlando before boston. good god I have been on the phone with delta a lot these past couple of days plans have changed 3 times.
So with the potential of 20 Democratic candidates for the 2020 campaign, I only have one request. For the debates that are broadcast on national televison, they must have the narrator from The Curse of Oak Island doing voice over commentary.
Dang Sota. Very sorry to hear of your friend. I'm hoping new technologies will help him heal. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I have one as well. No one from the network leak the questions prior to the debate. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
1) are you a full-on hard core Commie; or just a Socialist? Answer carefully; as an incorrect response will be punished. 2) do you want to take all the guns, or just the black scary ones with high-capacity clipazines? 3) how late is too late to kill a baby? Like, just before zhe starts wiping zher own ass; or right up until zhe gets zheir drivers' license? 4) How much is too much taxes? (Trick question- no such thing, stupid!) 5) How soon will climate change kill us all? Mas 10 anos, o menos diez anos? (as the "debate" goes on; all questions slowly devolve into a pidgin of Spanish, Swahili, Arabic, and Chinese. Ratings plummet; which Fake News Network sites as evidence we are all racist and xenophobic.)
Not sure if this is TDS or if he is legitimately mentally ill. Good grief The FBI Is Now Investigating Jussie Smollett The FBI is investigating whether Jussie Smollett sent himself a threatening letter at the Chicago studio where his Fox TV show “Empire” is filmed, ABC News reported Tuesday. Two anonymous officials confirmed the nature of the investigation, which reportedly also involves the US Postal Service. The Jan. 22 letter is being analyzed at the FBI crime lab, one of the sources said. Maybe this one will stick. Outta be goon after everyone. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
They are their own worst enemy and ultimately their self demise. They are trying so hard to make MAGA a racial epithet that they are peeling their masks and showing themselves for the vile, evil scum they are.
Yea I try not to comment much on politics, especially since 2016, because I get tired of being called racist, sexist, or whatever if I don't agree with something a women or minority says. For a group of ppl to always preach equality they seem to focus more on race or sex more than anyone. And most of the time they just prove themselves to be far less accepting than anyone else. It's only gonna get worse when the 2020 election hits. But I definitely agree they like to shoot themselves in the foot. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It's not about the "voice for it" but more the neverending voice of question and uncertainty I'm assuming the narrator, whom I have never googled, is familiar with you? If not, watch one episode of Curse of Oak Island and imagine the possibilities and entertainment....
Party Of children, For children, By children. I promise if this passes for federal elections I am filing a civil suit against it. Patently ridiculous that someone deemed too immature/irresponsible to buy smokes, guns, sign a contract; or serve in the military has an equal voice in representative government.
A week to travel 180 miles. What a crock of chit if it really takes this long. Should have been delivered today, tomorrow at the latest.