This crap... another big one coming this weekend the way it sounds. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Funny you posted this as I was just messing around on phone and came across this article. Idk how many are right cause I'm not double checking whole list but even if half are right pretty crazy. Funny thing is all this is doin is campaigning for Trump in 2020. So it's basically having the opposite effect intended. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My dad moved from Gasconade county to New Mexico about three years ago. At 70 now he is convinced that this winter on the farm would have broke him, lol!
When people spend a lot of $ on a project it requires face to face. Will tell me that they send you business class, I refuse to sit in back.
Cancer, I know nobody is pro cancer but damn it, found out the first friend I made in college has lung cancer.
I have to be at the airport at 4:30 tomorrow morning, the snow is going to start before then. I am already pissed about it.
A neighbor from my previous neighborhood passed away from lung cancer last night. Sucks losing a friend. But, it is kind of hard to avoid if you are going to smoke two packs a day.
Yeah it sucks, he smoked those clove cigarettes in college told him that they would kill him. It really does suck I have been close since we were in college we were in each others wedding, I helped peel the logs and build his cabin on the lake, he is my one friend that knows me the good and the bad the highs and the lows, it was so hard keeping it together while we talked on the phone. I will admit when I hung up I cried, hard.
Back in my hometown when I was younger their was a 90 something year old lady that smoked a pack of Camel non-filters every day and had since she started her first job at 12. I asked her once "Why do you smoke? Dont you know cigarettes are bad for ya." She looked at me and in a deep baritone raspy voice that would rival any man she said "Its the filter that'll kill ya." She lived to be 98 and said her secret was a six pack of Schlitz and a pack of camels a day. It was not an uncommon sight to see her sitting on her porch drinking a schlitz and smoking a cigarette on my way to school in the morning. But yes, lung cancer sucks and my biggest fear since I often struggle with smoking. I've quit multiple times and am currently a non-smoker but damn those cravings and the boredom of waiting for spring hail storms..!
That hits home here also. Both of my wife's parents are taking treatments now. It's been brutal for her Dad. It has been a little better for her Mom, but she will likely never have the same energy and ambition she once had. Cancer sucks and I hope your buddy kicks its ass. Carpe diem folks.
Yes it is brutal, we lost both my wife's parents 2016 Dad and 2017 Mother to cancer. It was rough for my family. Sota I'll pray for your friend.
It almost makes a person feel guilty, one good college friend that worked with me lost his wife to cancer, and now another good friend is dealing with it. I guess I am getting into that stage of life where you lose friends and loved ones. I have been lucky in that I have not had many close people or family members have experience a tragic loss, it all catches up I guess.