You know where I stand.. Yang 2020! Or at least he has my attention and I look forward to hearing more from him. After reading/listening to him I'm pretty convinced that the powers that be are gonna shoot him, he makes way too much sense and is offering solutions to problems that would probably appease both sides of the aisle.
Oki I like yea man but,With even a cursory look at him I see that his platform is based on UBI .....yeah no thanks Universal basic income is a leftist joke and only intent is buy votes of the destitute and increase the power of the every growing governmental machine. I live in NY so i dont get a vote but if i did, it would be for a libertarian that's for smaller government not the empowerment of said $hitshow no matter the "side"
Yeah, I'm in a similar boat. I'm a dope smoking hippie liberal to neo-cons and a nazi to progressives. I'm a registered independent in NC. Pro marijuana legalization, don't give a damn if two gays marry, I want our border shut, want to change our cold war save the world foreign policy, and I favor capital punishment to the -nth degree. Huge free speech proponent.
watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Yang. I'm about as Conservative as it gets on this site and while I don't agree that Yang's UBI platform is the answer; he sure has a lot of legitimate questions that literally everybody else is too afraid to even ask.
So a few months ago I joined Instagram. This is the first and only social media I have ever used, so I do not know if this only relates to there or other places as well.... But, when people tag posts with stuff that has nothing to do with their photos. I search Mathews archery and get chicks shooting ARs. Or I search 3D archery and get pics of some ones dinner. If you do this, you deserve a sack punch.
First Covington, and then this Smollett crap... Latest attempt by the Left to equate the MAGA hat (and wearers) with the Klan. Stop. Just effing stop. You are literally trying to start a civil war. 48% of the country voted for Trump. Some 40% are die hard supporters. The vast majority of us don't care what color you are, your religions, who you are attracted to; or even where you originally came from. All we care about if if you want to be an American, not suck off the public teat, and would live by the Constitution. Who exactly do you think you are villainizing?
Heheheh I agree, youtube does the same thing. Search for a fairbanks morse start up vid, and get vids about some anti-trump crap. Wtf!
Oh the anti-pot jerks get on my nerves. I dont like it personally, but have seen it work on pain, and other ailments, without side effects.
Instagram is a self promoting platform for insecure narcissists who crave approval and recognition from strangers. Everyone on there deserves a sack punch or a kick in the vag.
I would really like to see this UBI math on paper. Naturally being fiscally conservative this sounds like a pipe dream, a crack pipe that is, but I will say the way he explains it on Rogan has my attention. I'm still convinced they are gonna shoot him for asking those questions and offering solutions..
While this is certainly true for many of the people who use it... but, as with most things in life it is what you make of it. Instagram is full of amazing photos, as an example go look at On X, Sitka Gear or Whitetail Properties. Unbelievable photos. There is not just one way to do or use something.
So again where are the Republicans or even the independents? Will we see them taking to the streets in full support of our country,our Democracy Today? Will they be out there in the same numbers as the open border,socialist Trump haters..I'm thinking not. Because they are willing to fight for what they want. What is really crazy they are being backed by billionaires. Where the hell are the capitalist billionaires and their money. Why aren't they organizing behind constitutionalist ? There should be a clear and concise list of every single Republican congress man that has not backed Trumps agendas, the ones that OK'd this funding bill and every single one that tied his hands when they held the majority. That list needs to be placed front and center now and through all the elections. Until every single one is voted out of office, replaced with a constitutionalist thinking republican. One more thing. EVERY single Democratc state and local offical in these border states trying to block the wall should be THOROUGHLY investigated for any and all possible Cartel or smuggling connections. Their finances should have a lice comb ,as it were, ran through them.
Ok one more for a Monday The latest hunting attack. "Zombie"deer disease Heres a conspiracy theory for you. Make eating cervid meat a death sentence to rid us of those amoral meat eaters . Eliminating the vast majority of legal gun ownership talking points. How long has CWD been acknowledged? How many cervid to human transfer have been documented?
True, but my comment was aimed at individuals, not corporations and companies for which it is a great marketing tool.
You be dead before you could get that bow off your back. Better to carry spray and a sidearm. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Probably a good idea. With the arrow stuck in the bear itll piss it off even more and rip your head off you faster thus limiting your suffering