Very True Sota, but they're "local" numbers most times. So i just answer and put it on mute until I decide if it's a legit call or not. Just gets old screening every single phone call
If somebody calls and it is not a recognized number with no voicemail left I ignore it. I am just not that damn curious.
I hate doing my taxes but I am fortunate now that my kids are raised I can have my taxes done and ask what I need to deposit into my IRA to wipe out what I would pay in, much more satisfying to pay yourself.
I don't even have my VM set up on my personal phone. (Work is another story.) If I don't know you, or I'm not expecting a call and you don't text me then we don't talk.
My daughter stopped by to drop off 400 pounds of horse feed, got it at 10% over cost I still paid $1 a pound. On a positive not they have two new calves and are up to 30 head of cattle.
Please, please, pretty pleasewith sugar on top. Make it happen and I will never shoot a small buck again. Doubt it ever will, but it is my dream and has been for years.
You are a rare creature; a democrat who sounds sane. I wish more people who think like you were the mainstream for that party. At least then there might seem chance of civil discourse. Us independents are tired of watching the extremes of parties dominate the political scene. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Even some robo calls will actually leave a voice message. If it ain't a recognized number it never gets answered, period.
Looks like he paid for the whole thing. What a clown, and just goes to show at what lengths these whacko's will go to to try to liken Trump supporters as racist. Bet nothing becomes of it and you know the left leaning media will not report on it now.
Wow, CNN actually has it
I have 37 numbers blocked on my phone. A few are my phone number with one digit changed. The bullchit part of it is when you call it back, says that number is not valid or not in service.
How to screw with telemarketers calling land line..Yes some of us still have to have tbem. Always answer your phone with "a first name, speaking may I help you?" They have to hang up because they think it's a business. Don't hang up though, you'll hear the click but a second later they have to break the connect and you'll hear another click and the dial tone. Once in a while you'll get " Is this a business? " Just repeat "May I help you?!" Or, go with " bite me! " and hang up...!ol
I kept a telemarketer on the phone for 35 minutes once, kept asking him questions about the product and making myself seem interested and about ready to take the sale. Right at the end I paused and said I had one final question. Asked if he called me, he said Yes, I then replied that if I needed something like this wouldn't I have tried to call them to get it. Never had one come unglued like he did. Started threatening me and read my address where I was, I just laughed it off and wondered what his trainer/boss was thinking as they usually have a 2nd party listening in.