Whos Fault is it? I was Democrat for nearly 40 years because Republicans were constantly shooting themselves in the foot. At least I could vote for the lesser of 2 evil in the Democratic primaries. Now there is no lesser and the Republicans are still blasting away at their feet. Who do you think turned the congress? It wasn't the democrats. It was foolish Republican voters thinking they needed to "help" government checks and balances . Republicans clueless or compliant in the systematic brain washing of their kids ,from kindergarten up. Democrats want change they literally take to the streets. Where the hell are the Republicans? Intimidated into crying on the web for the most part. I've never ever had a bumper sticker. Bought a VOTE REPUBLICANs last October. Dents,scratches,paint other than mine. I will not remove that sticker and I'm getting a magnetic sign this year. I use to be a voter inspector. People better wake up because your country is being stolen.
old as a former democrat can you explain something about the democrats for me? A democrat sees an unborn child as a choice that abortions are a woman's right to choose, the same democrat sees the death penalty for a violent murdering rapist as cruel and unusual punishment. I just can not get my mind around this, you have 40 years experience can you explain this to me?
You have a unique perspective for sure. IMHO both parties have extremes and seem to eat their own. I think the media & social media exacerbate the extreme views on both sides. I think the media also plays to 'the grass is always greener' with a number of half truths (today's morning news as an example) •The oceans are polluted and overfished - seafood flavored vegetable based foods. Ignores factors in farming, industrial/ municipal waste & consumer practices/behaviors which also be contributing. Apply and demand and free markets should push open water seafood prices up. There are issues (disease, waste, etc) with factory fish models. •The evil orange mans wall - Illegal immigrants are law breakers, by definition. Human trafficking and drugs are also real problems some stemming from cross boarder activities. We do have legal immigration processes and not all immigrants are evil. •Socialistic ideals may sound good-but have very poor track records and ignores economic principles...NYC & Large companies are also not without their shares of greed and graft. But hey, it would be great to not have to work...but that $ needs to come from somewhere.
Crap I just dumped a whole post...I'll try later . Though Did you turn your brain off after the word Democrat? I can't explain their thinking other than they are, at the top, power hungry. Demigods in their own brain. The rest are lemmings with out the ability to reason. Some are no different than me, trying to keep the worst from getting to the top and hoping the Republicans grow a back bone. That is impossible now. You almost had it with Trump,but fear again gave away congress.
Abortion is a major platform of the democratic party, like I said I am trying to understand but to me it just makes zero damn sense.
What I can never figure out hearing GOP states the how bad the government is these days, yet they keep trying to get jobs for the government . Sota for your first one you and your family have the choice on abortion. If its left up just to the woman, well that’s where the problem is imo and why we have so many abortions Second one I agree
Yes it is a major issue with them. Now look at the origins of it. Peel back the layers and THEN look at the evolution of it. The whole thing stemmed from TRUE rasicm ,evolving into pure voting power. BTW abortion is not always a right or wrong moral issue. It actually is sometimes a life and death issue for the woman. There was a time Dr.'s could decide . Now politics and greed decide. Watch what you wish for because perhaps there should be a movement on birth control. One where vasectomy shouldn't be left up to just the men. Let me tell you THAT would solve your abortion issue..slippery slopes.
The abortion issue is not as baffling as is then the anti death penalty mentality. Kill a fetus no worries, but killing a violent murder oh hell no.
OMG please don't send me down that hole...It's not hard to understand. I am fully supportive of it,let me say there's some back ground to that statement. This said, I can see and we've all seen the serious down falls. Ya know the little thing about people wrongly sentenced, innocent people. Again corrupt political hacks as prosecutors. I could really get into that statement as well. Want to hit the incompetent lawyers and judges side road? That goes both ways ,too many that should be 6ft under that were or are still reeking havoc or allowed to enjoy life.
Once again....this is why states rights are more important than ever before in our country's history. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Politics should be a tight rope walk. One person having one foot in front of the other trying to maneuver an expanse of issues. Some times a foot has to swing a bit left or right to keep balanced. Too far either way and you doomed to fall. It takes skill,mental balance ,a firm core, a bit of fear but a lot of faith. We in general ,are falling as a nation these days. Too many are looking down at the crowds as it were.
The % of people wrongly sentenced and the % of abortions because the mother's health is in danger is minuscule compared to the executions and abortions performed every year. I digress I realize that politicians especially the mouth pieces of the party do not have the best interests of the average voter in mind.
It's the states that are destroying themselves...at least in NY and CA. I am a advocate for states rights but we need to get the power out of career politicians hands with term limits first. The pass a law that takes away differing rights to said politicians that differ from general masses....oh and in my case annex NYC too please.
Well now hey, I'm a pure red state Democrat and I am all for the death penalty. In fact, I'm all for death by hanging, mostly bc its cost and psychology effective. Hell, I'd go so far as to sell tickets to hangings to fund education. As for abortion, it's not something I would personally condone but who am I to condemn others for their choices in life. Once again, I just have to answer for myself when I die, thankfully. Now my wife and I were not able to have kids so we fostered, 12 kids. I dont really consider myself pro-choice as much as I consider myself pro-minding my own business and offering help to those who want it.