14th year of working shift work is starting to kick my rear. Another Fri night away from my family. Suck it shift work. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I got it with the power snake from the rental place, had to snow blow a path to the tank, find the lid, pry that out. It sucked but I got the line open before dark and it only cost me $48 for the rental.
hmmmm. Whowouldathunkit? https://abc7.com/sources-smollett-s...s-allegedly-being-written-off-empire/5138497/
I probably should have seemed the line last fall, I did get tree roots and ice out, I was pretty damn happy to get the flow when I cut thru.
That was me that said that. I'd like to hear his answers. I think everyone would. For example he calls NAFTA the worse deal ever created, but probably knows less about than a high schooler. After that I'd ask him to explain to everyone the trans-Pacific partnership...I mean since he said it was a terrible deal also. I don't hold trump to the level of all knowing, he put himself there and I'd like to hear him back it up.
I know, just didn't see the need in quoting too ppl. Google will reveal those answers, will you agree with his reasons? No, so again no point in quoting you or linking the articles. Really doesn't matter either way NAFTA is being replaced, and the US isn't part of TPP. Regardless you're acting like his statements or knowledge of any other hot button topic are any different than anyone else in Washington. They're all salrsmen, selling themselves to the crowd in front of them. No more no less. But don't forget to hold everyone to that same standard. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Here's a bit more on it. Sounds like they still have to figure it out. Kind of like, you have to pass it before we lay out the screw you in the arse details of it. My guess is you will have to put on some serious miles per year to be considrered for the test run. That is a lot of revenue given up.
Can someone please explain to my tiny bird brain why Amazon was bad for New York. They could come to Ky if they wanted we take the work Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Indo have a bird brain cls lol. Language and spelling was not a strong point in school. Altho i think i catch the point Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I just cant figure out y more jobs and money for people to spend to create more tax and for Amazon to pay tax and the people driving trucks to pay tax and the tax and more tax and even more stupid tax they come up with y wouldnt that be good for the state?????? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Can someone photoshop this and put AOC face were Obamas is and put a caption about green new deal or runnin amazon way on it? Id love it Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Like “If we run off a multi Billion dollar company, that is gonna hire lots of people, we will all be richer” Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Trying to understand the thinking here hurts my brain, but these were some items I heard: By amazon moving into LI city, would've created a real estate/affordable housing crisis as the 25k workers would presumably want to live in the proximity to the HQ. Though property owners could likely benefit, renters could be 'disaffected' as the cost of living rises in the area. (Though greater NYC is also home to concepts like rent control and rent stabilization, I don't know how much section 8 housing exists in that area). There was discussion that the subway should be expanded to support the workers and growth in the area around/ti the new campus. Some 'local leaders' insisted Amazon should foot that bill. Capital projects in the greater NYC are notorious for being over schedule/budget (e.g. East side tunnel one of the more recent projects) so this is a problem neither the city nor Amazon would want the responsibility. There was some discussion around desired Union workers. (I never heard if this was the AMZN workers or construction workers. I suspect the former, as the latter is probably a given). The state of NYS forgave something like 3B in taxes to Amazon to incent HQ2. Amazon, has not had to pay (at least fed) taxes the past 2 years. (This ignores state, fed and local taxes and cash flow into the local economy from the 25k employees). Jeff Bezos is a Billionaire, which instantly makes him 'bad' in socialist eyes.