Watching his little news conference now. When these reporters ask him questions just one time I'd like them to just ask him basic questions like "Mr. Trump explain what you think NAFTA is", "explain the Affordable care act", "how does social security work."
Work 30 hours a week and draw public assistance. Basically a full time job at $11.25 an hour with free government money. Plus they want to give everyone free schooling and healthcare. I'm starting to understand the whole common core math push. Make future generations too stupid to be able to figure it out for themselves.
Speaking generally. I have been going to Panera a lot lately (I like their coffee) and everytime I'm there I see at least 2-3 "workers" standing around not doing much of anything. Once JB gets his minimum wage hike I don't see Panera holding on to that dead weight at double the price. Bye-bye jobs.
He was making it sound like if the crowed listened close enough they could hear the concrete trucks backing up.
you take him way too literally. To be fair many of his supporters give him too much leeway. President Trump's strength is not in the details. Yes, I'm being generous.
Right. I agree there will likely be many unintended consequences in requiring all jobs to pay at least $15. I do think there are states which should probably increase their min wage but $15 seems like an overreach. I think ND (where I live) is around $7.25?
I like how if I was to quote the theme song 90% of it would be nothing more than asterisks.. great flick.
Curses to whoever it was that decided every bacon cheeseburger automatically comes with an onion ring and barbecue sauce. WTF ever happened to speacialty names for this garbage. Ruined my damned lunch
So you've never watched any other politician give a speech? They all do the same thing. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The demise of our nation as we know it. Tax, tax, tax, while they get exempt, exempt, exempt. Scumbags, every last one of them SOB's. And then there's this shocking revelation. Who knew..... errr didn't?
We tend to only get upset with the lying sonuvabitch we didn't vote for rather than the lying sonuvabitch we support.
I smell corrupt Democrats in Chicago that are in over their heads with a pension crisis they have pilfered and borro... n/m pilfer sums it up nicely, for decades and now it is coming back to haunt them. Yet the minions and subjects of Chicago and East St. Louis could give a crap less and keep voting their rulers back into office and liking it. A single term "Republican" governor is being blamed for the current state of IL, and the blind puppets take it all in. They think well, it's only $240(for avg 12,000 miles per year) a year for the privelege of driving, and it will help the state out of this mess. In reality, the 2 cents a mile is their starting point and it will be raised every single year along with the income tax and every other tax they can. Then that money that is supposed to be used for xxx will be diverted to their own slush funds and used in more inappropriate ways creating even greater deficits in other areas. Then when it gets really bad, Madigan will allow another Republican to enter the governors office for one term and shuft the blame to him for the newly created crisis and the subjects will eat it up, hook, line and sinker.
Where was this? That crime against humanity used to be called a Western Burger or something similar. I HATE bbq sauce on a burger. Nasty. Doesn't help that most restaurant BBQ sauce is garbage. And why would anyone put BBQ on bacon? You can't taste the damn bacon! I have to part ways on the onion ring, though. Onion rings are god's gift.