I'm hammered enough not to understand WTF you are talking about. Last I was sober, the Alps you speak of were in Europe FFS. Please draw on a map.
And I stated my case better elsewhere.... " So by 2025 the minimum wage will be $15. Congratulations no one. You think McDonalds cooking 1/4 pounders to order was convenience? Nope, just trying out automated cooking with their thickest burger. Think it is a coincidence when you pull up an automated voice says "Welcome to McDonalds, would you like to try xxxxx, order when you're ready" followed by a human order taker? The human follow up will disappear pretty quick. Other companies, aka employers, will be steadfast on figuring out how to eliminate paid help for self service or automation of their products. It doesn't stop there though. Skilled labor vs unskilled labor becomes blurred in separation that they cancel each other out. Skilled labor jobs will move out of state or be shut down as the difference needed to stay above pay scale will have to be passed on to their customer. Don't forget that this is IL. They'll raise your wage and then increase your taxes. Net gain = ZERO! Line their coffers if you wish, Democrat politicians are the end of just about everything civilized. Next we'll hear "Bend the knee" "
I work for a bank. Last year minimim pay was increased to $15. My initial thoughts were that is a good thing for those who were in the lowest paying jobs. I mean how the hell does someone live off $12 per hour? But the fact that the rest of us received no adjustments to pay (other than normal annual increases) felt kind of like a kick in the gut.
I listen to that song at least once daily here lately. And as far as being welcomed to the wild wild west.. it looks like Oklahoma is passing constitutional carry. Im not digging it. I like people taking a class to understand the law and have a little bit of training. What I really like is the money that concealed carry licenses contribute. I mean, it's a logical idea that if you would like carry a gun you should have a little training. But I digress, it's happening no matter what I think. Side note, I've only ever carried a 1911 but today I'm buying a Ruger Super Redhawk 44 mag and one of those flashy bandoleros. Might go ahead and just buy a matching set.
I could not even tell you what the savings rates are. I don’t bank there. I work in a back office setting rather than a branch. I keep most of my money at a Credit Union.
I know that's a running joke here, but I did pass a bank yesterday advertising 12mo CDs at 2.5%. Not sure on minimum balance.
wait till they start firing people because they can't afford to pay everyone that much. Minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage. Being poor should suck. Otherwise where's the incentive in working hard to get ahead?
Do not reproduce before you have an education or skills, that will help you avoid minimum wage. Want to get really pissed? liberals think we should have open boarders and anyone that can get over the border is entitled to $15 per hour. $15 minimum wage is pretty much another "it's not fair" tax.
Today's rant (moving away from politics). How can cold scrambled eggs be so gross, but bacon, even if cold, is delicious?
how do you peel a soft-boiled egg? I always destroy them in the process so I just gave up and bought a poacher.
It's easy if you have the little egg holder. Just crack around the shell with a spoon and only remove top half of shell. Dig in.
His rallies are even worse. I heard clips from the one the other night. Just brutal. And people their eat it up even though they know half the stuff he's saying isn't true. And I dont know what's worse, the people knowing he's lying, but cheering anyway, or the people actually believing the wall is being built right outside as he's giving the speech.
15 We are in the age of the entertainer Presidents and press. When this country starts going to hell, it will be a much different story. We are certainly in a sad state of affairs with the press behaving like entertainers with overt agendas and Presidents like Obama and Trump.
You think my employer will need to lay people off or are you just speaking in general terms? I was speaking solely in terms of where I work not what I believe States or the federal government should be doing. My company now saves around $800 million - $1 billion in annual taxes due the corporate tax reform which went into place in 2018. Those min wage raises were a drop in the bucket.
well were you there? It probably was being worked on, at least somewhere in that sector. I've been to the El Paso POEs many times. Lots of wall there.